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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 06:38am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 58
I thought you might be intereseted in the outcome. This is a 3/4th grade league by the way. I informed the league director of the girl with the diabetes bracelet. He told me I was wrong and if she didn't wear in on her ankle she had to sit. He sited Ohio High school rules. I had the ohio high school rules with me. He said it couldn't be taped or worn on the wrist, it only applied to the ankle.

The father of the girl refused to have her wear it on her ankle and wouldn't allow it to be taped. The officials overhead this first conversation and came over. They said she could wear it if it was taped with the emblem showing. The league director wasn't happy and said I was liable for injuries to his players (he happened to have a team we were playing) or injuries to the girl.

The dad finally relented and offered to have her wear in on her ankle, above her sock, if it would stop the arguements.

It was a very long first half. Two officials, one experienced, one new. The new one called every 3 second call, every travel for a dragged pivot foot, a technical for back court guarding after a first warning, every travel for extra step etc. They had a conversation at half time because after that about 75% of the calls stopped.

This was the first time my team was ever on a court. I can honestly say they had no idea what a technical for back court was until yesterday. They were terrified they had made some huge mistake. The girl who took a swipe at the ball in the back court began crying. I was more a mom than a coach that game. We only had four practices before this game so it was pretty much waht I expected.

My 8th grade girls game was much different last night. The officials told the girls to keep moving when he saw them over 3 seconds. I beleive there is not much difference sometimes between 4th and 8th grade ball.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for the advice, it helped to be able to correctly site a rule.

Coach GBert
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 12:19pm
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
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Originally posted by coachgbert
I thought you might be intereseted in the outcome. This is a 3/4th grade league by the way. I informed the league director of the girl with the diabetes bracelet. He told me I was wrong and if she didn't wear in on her ankle she had to sit. He sited Ohio High school rules. I had the ohio high school rules with me. He said it couldn't be taped or worn on the wrist, it only applied to the ankle.

The father of the girl refused to have her wear it on her ankle and wouldn't allow it to be taped. The officials overhead this first conversation and came over. They said she could wear it if it was taped with the emblem showing. The league director wasn't happy and said I was liable for injuries to his players (he happened to have a team we were playing) or injuries to the girl.

The dad finally relented and offered to have her wear in on her ankle, above her sock, if it would stop the arguements.

It was a very long first half. Two officials, one experienced, one new. The new one called every 3 second call, every travel for a dragged pivot foot, a technical for back court guarding after a first warning, every travel for extra step etc. They had a conversation at half time because after that about 75% of the calls stopped.

This was the first time my team was ever on a court. I can honestly say they had no idea what a technical for back court was until yesterday. They were terrified they had made some huge mistake. The girl who took a swipe at the ball in the back court began crying. I was more a mom than a coach that game. We only had four practices before this game so it was pretty much waht I expected.

My 8th grade girls game was much different last night. The officials told the girls to keep moving when he saw them over 3 seconds. I beleive there is not much difference sometimes between 4th and 8th grade ball.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for the advice, it helped to be able to correctly site a rule.

Coach GBert
You can buy that league director a copy of the rule book, for a Christmas present.

Also, one minor point before Mr. Grammar Guy catches you. "Citing" a rule is spelled with a "c".
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 03:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 58
If Mr. Grammer catches my spelling error I'll defer to the 6:30 am hour that I wrote it and hope that is enough to dismiss the charges.
Coach Gbert
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