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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 12:08am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Central Illinois
Posts: 1,955
The thread about medical alert bracelets causes me to say that we need to be reminded that insulin pumps, which are becoming ever more popular, are always legal. In my pregames after asking if everyone is legally and properly equipped I also ask, "Are there any health concerns that we need to be aware of?" I was doing a HS V volleyball game this fall. A girl, a member of my church whom I have known since she was 6 years old was playing. She didn't look right and wasn't responding right. Her pancreas doesn't work at all and she is diabetic. I stopped the game and had her go off and check her blood sugar. It was way over 400. I know it's the player's, parents', and coaches' jobs to watch for this, but if we are alerted, too, it can be very helpful. One USSF soccer league I officiate in makes asking the medical condition question mandatory before every game.
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
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