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JLC Tue Jun 14, 2005 07:10am

Just wanted to throw this out. The Minnesota State High School League has just voted to switch the length of boys and girls games. The are going to 2 18 minute halves instead of the 4 8 minute quarters. Just thought people might be interested.

capwsu Tue Jun 14, 2005 07:17am

Thank you for the info. I knew there was talk of this, but figured since I hadn't heard anything about it, it wasn't going to happen. I wonder what scools are going to do about the b-squad (or JV game). As it was, most of my varsity games started late, I don't think this is going to speed up the game at all. Only time will tell.

JLC Tue Jun 14, 2005 07:22am

News article says longer time is only for varsity. JV and younger will still play 32 minutes, but as 2 halves instead of 4 quarters.

ChuckElias Tue Jun 14, 2005 08:01am

I can understand going to halves, MA also plays halves. But why lengthen the game? That's 4 extra minutes per game. 20 games a year. That's 80 extra minutes, almost 3 more games per season, than before. Why do that? Eventually, it's going to screw up all your state scoring/assist/rebound records.

BTW, the NFHS will be none too happy with this decision. Playing halves -- not the shot clock -- is why the FED won't let a MA representative chair the rules committee. Minnesota will also be sanctioned, I'm sure.

Red_Killian Wed Jun 15, 2005 02:55pm

Link to article
Here is a link to an article on the MN move to 18 minute halves.

Nevadaref Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:24pm

1. Did the officials up in MN have a say in this?
2. Are they also going to increase the officials pay by the same 12.5%?

TriggerMN Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:40pm

1. No, we had no say.

2. Fees are set by each individual association, which can be a chore in itself.

Nevadaref Fri Jun 17, 2005 03:36am

So essentially every game that you do next season will go to OT. If your employers expect you to work OT, you should be paid for it. JMO.

A clip from the article:

Merkle said he surveyed officials' associations on whether they would ask for more money per game and the answers were mixed. "Some would ask for more pay, others would not," he said.

North Branch athletic director Becky Leuer, a board member, advised her colleagues to dismiss that concern: "As far as officials' costs, they raise their fees every two years anyway."

[Edited by Nevadaref on Jun 18th, 2005 at 03:04 AM]

icallfouls Fri Jun 17, 2005 03:48pm

Re: Link to article

Originally posted by Red_Killian
Here is a link to an article on the MN move to 18 minute halves.
Personally I like the change. We are moving ever closer to 1 set of rules for everyone.

ChuckElias Fri Jun 17, 2005 03:55pm

Re: Re: Link to article

Originally posted by icallfouls
We are moving ever closer to 1 set of rules for everyone.
While some rules should be the same in each rule-set, I don't think length of game should be one of those. HS kids shouldn't be expected to play a game as long as college kids, who in turn shouldn't be expected to play as long as the pros. Halves, quarters, I really don't care all that much. But I don't like lengthening the game for younger kids. JMO.

BktBallRef Fri Jun 17, 2005 04:14pm

Re: Re: Link to article

Originally posted by icallfouls

Originally posted by Red_Killian
Here is a link to an article on the MN move to 18 minute halves.
Personally I like the change. We are moving ever closer to 1 set of rules for everyone.

That will never happen, nor should it. There are different rules because there are different skill levels and ages playing the game. I can't think of a single team game that has the same rules for all ages.

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