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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 13, 2005, 10:06pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 446
So as supervisor of officials for my university's IM basketball, I get to work all the big games...what fun. Elite 8 game tonight, I'm working with two of my better student officials. Team A is down 2 with 10 seconds to go. Now, two interesting things about my this sitch...

1) We have no scoreboards/clock. The score is kept on a flip scoreboard and the clock is kept by a handheld stop watch that runs up. The time is counted down by the person keeping the book.

2) One of the players on Team A is one of my officials...keep that in mind.

Anyways...Team A is down 2 with 10 seconds to go and has the ball. I'm C, table side and have the last shot (we play NCAA rules, but to keep it simple for my officials, we use the FED mechanic for last shot...Center). Team A works the ball inside (3...2...1) and gets the shot off right before I hear 0 from the table...misses the layup and once the try is over I blow the game over immediately and with a really strong whistle. As I'm blowing the play dead and game over, A2 tips the ball in and all of Team A for some reason thinks that the bucket is good. I blow it dead, my partners and I converse for a second to make sure we get it right, and wave the tip off. Team A obviously goes crazy. Here's the funny part. The official that is playing for Team A comes up to me..**** you, you blew the game... That's not even your call, it's the lead's call on last shot and you know it! Something in me thinks that the IM faculty will listen to the pleas that I've been making for 2 years to get scoreboards!
I know God would never give me more than I could handle, I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 13, 2005, 10:42pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616
Originally posted by tmp44
I'm C, table side and have the last shot (we play NCAA rules, but to keep it simple for my officials, we use the FED mechanic for last shot...Center). Team A works the ball inside (3...2...1) and gets the shot off right before I hear 0 from the table...misses the layup and once the try is over I blow the game over immediately and with a really strong whistle. As I'm blowing the play dead and game over, A2 tips the ball in and all of Team A for some reason thinks that the bucket is good. I blow it dead, my partners and I converse for a second to make sure we get it right, and wave the tip off. Team A obviously goes crazy. Here's the funny part. The official that is playing for Team A comes up to me..**** you, you blew the game... That's not even your call, it's the lead's call on last shot and you know it! Something in me thinks that the IM faculty will listen to the pleas that I've been making for 2 years to get scoreboards!
#1 - Your mechanics are wrong. Under NFHS, either the C or T who is OPPOSITE table has the final shot.

But I understand why you used the tableside official. BUt it is not the NFHS mechanic.

#2 - You should have sounded your whistle when time expired, not when the shot missed. Then there wouldn't have been any confusion as to whether the tap came late or not.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 08:45am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 4,801
Originally posted by tmp44

1) We have no scoreboards/clock. The score is kept on a flip scoreboard and the clock is kept by a handheld stop watch that runs up. The time is counted down by the person keeping the book.
Ouch - I've only done club games like this, and it's terrible. If you must, have the scorekeeper blow a whistle when the clock hits zero - it's much easier for everyone to hear.

Also, get some scoreboards! Even if it's just something portable that you stick on top of a scorer's table (found this one at Sam's club - ). You can probably even call other colleges around you and see if they have any older ones they're looking to get rid of.


2) One of the players on Team A is one of my officials...keep that in mind.

That's never good. I don't know about anyone else, but most of my problems come from games where I'm reffing other IM refs. It's a combination of everyone knowing (or thinking they know) the rules, and the fact that all the upperclassmen play on the rec sports teams, leaving a crew of me and usually several first-year refs.


I'm C, table side and have the last shot (we play NCAA rules, but to keep it simple for my officials, we use the FED mechanic for last shot...Center).

Like Tony said, technically the opposite has last shot. However, in IM it may be easier to just say that center has last shot. (Although with your setup of the stopwatch, you probably want whoever is tableside!)

The official that is playing for Team A comes up to me..**** you, you blew the game... That's not even your call, it's the lead's call on last shot and you know it!
Hopefully that was met with an ejection accompanied by a "you're fired."
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 09:55am
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 446
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by tmp44

#1 - Your mechanics are wrong. Under NFHS, either the C or T who is OPPOSITE table has the final shot.

But I understand why you used the tableside official. BUt it is not the NFHS mechanic.

#2 - You should have sounded your whistle when time expired, not when the shot missed. Then there wouldn't have been any confusion as to whether the tap came late or not.

As to #1 BBR, I think I didn't clarify what we were doing. I only said we used the NFHS because it was the C that had last shot, because we were using NCAA rules for everything else...which means that it would be whoever was T or C opposite because of the stopwatch problem, we change it to tableside.

As to #2, I disagree. The first shot (missed layup) was before time expired, therefore the whistle does not sound until the try ends. Once that try ended and the tip occurred, that's when I blew the play down...the tip was after time expired.
I know God would never give me more than I could handle, I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 10:29am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616
Originally posted by tmp44
As to #2, I disagree. The first shot (missed layup) was before time expired, therefore the whistle does not sound until the try ends. Once that try ended and the tip occurred, that's when I blew the play down...the tip was after time expired.
You missed the point. You don't have a horn. So your whistle is effectively the horn. Had you sounded it while the shot was in the air, everyone would have realized that the tap was late.
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