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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 09, 2005, 09:23am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Carol Stream, IL
Posts: 201
Red face

Had this one yesterday...Frosh B Boys game, white up 1pt with 29-secs fouls foul to table give white ball for throw-in...on in-bounds green fouls W1 again [now 26-seconds left]...go to table to report, table informs us that the last foul on green was green's 7th...and should have had 1+1..told both coaches what we have here is a correctable error for not awarding merited free throws..the error was discovered on the next dead ball following the error..

the remedy: W1 to free throw line for 1+1 with lane cleared for the 1st foul [merited throws not awarded-correctable] then W1 to line with all spaces occupied for 1+1 for merited FT from second foul [green's 8th], and play on from there..

Green coach argues [at first fairly civilized discussion] claiming it was OUR mistake and he should not be penalized for our mistake, we were giving White an unfair advantage..
We talked to coach about no unfair advantage, just awarding merited free throws that resulted from fouls on his team.. Coach wants all action after first foul cancelled and time put back on clock..we said no all action between the first foul and the discovery of the error would stand..including time consumed..we would award 1+1 with lane cleared then 1+1 with all spaces occupied and play would resume as after any other FT..Coach then gets louder and louder and appears to be playing to the crowd to get his way...we told Coach to settle down..this WAS a correctable error and this was the way to handle it, and that is what we were going to do..
With green coach's reaction you would have thought we just took his first born..after the STOP sign to the coach he settled and we went on to administer as per plan..

W1 misses front end of 1st 1+1; then we fill lane spots and W1 misses front end of 2nd 1+1..White rebounds miss and works play to score with 10-secs left. Green trails by 3-pts..

Green inbounds works ball quickly down court and gets fairly good look and cans 3-pt bucket..horn sounds as ball hits floor after going thru basket...we go OT..

OT White runs off 6 unanswered and goes home w/ W.

I think we did it right...only issue I see is we should have been more aware of foul count..scoreboard did not show team fouls and table was sometimes a little confused on what was going on [student table crew]..but still we should be more aware..lesson learned...

After game I checked RB [2-10] and CB [2.10.6] looks like we got it right..

What will be fun is I have Green coach again tomorrow night..what do you think I should suggest to him when I see him...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 09, 2005, 09:52am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Oregon, OH
Posts: 166
Originally posted by golfdesigner
Had this one yesterday...Frosh B Boys game, white up 1pt with 29-secs fouls foul to table give white ball for throw-in...on in-bounds green fouls W1 again [now 26-seconds left]...go to table to report, table informs us that the last foul on green was green's 7th...and should have had 1+1..told both coaches what we have here is a correctable error for not awarding merited free throws..the error was discovered on the next dead ball following the error..

the remedy: W1 to free throw line for 1+1 with lane cleared for the 1st foul [merited throws not awarded-correctable] then W1 to line with all spaces occupied for 1+1 for merited FT from second foul [green's 8th], and play on from there..

Green coach argues [at first fairly civilized discussion] claiming it was OUR mistake and he should not be penalized for our mistake, we were giving White an unfair advantage..
We talked to coach about no unfair advantage, just awarding merited free throws that resulted from fouls on his team.. Coach wants all action after first foul cancelled and time put back on clock..we said no all action between the first foul and the discovery of the error would stand..including time consumed..we would award 1+1 with lane cleared then 1+1 with all spaces occupied and play would resume as after any other FT..Coach then gets louder and louder and appears to be playing to the crowd to get his way...we told Coach to settle down..this WAS a correctable error and this was the way to handle it, and that is what we were going to do..
With green coach's reaction you would have thought we just took his first born..after the STOP sign to the coach he settled and we went on to administer as per plan..

W1 misses front end of 1st 1+1; then we fill lane spots and W1 misses front end of 2nd 1+1..White rebounds miss and works play to score with 10-secs left. Green trails by 3-pts..

Green inbounds works ball quickly down court and gets fairly good look and cans 3-pt bucket..horn sounds as ball hits floor after going thru basket...we go OT..

OT White runs off 6 unanswered and goes home w/ W.

I think we did it right...only issue I see is we should have been more aware of foul count..scoreboard did not show team fouls and table was sometimes a little confused on what was going on [student table crew]..but still we should be more aware..lesson learned...

After game I checked RB [2-10] and CB [2.10.6] looks like we got it right..

What will be fun is I have Green coach again tomorrow night..what do you think I should suggest to him when I see him...
I believe you guys got the situation sorted out correctly. My $.02 is take your time reporting especially that late in the game to allow book time to record all info and determine if bonus is in effect. Even to the point of asking "is this Green's 7th?", That saves a lot of explaining. The few seconds of wait saves minutes of angst.
As far as what you tell green coach is nothing. He should get a rule book and educate himself on correcteble error.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 09, 2005, 10:05am
Fav theme: Roundball Rock
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
Posts: 8,558
Thumbs up

Good stuff golf. Sounds to me that you got it correct.

As for the next game, I would not say anything unless he brings it up.

Myself, I would say something like that although we were confident the situation was handled correctly, I decided to consult the rulebook [optional: and casebook,] anyways, because of the importance of the play. Both books back my P and I up and we got the call correct.

You could also say that you consulted your colleagues [us here at] and everyones agrees [am I putting words in people's mouths? ] that the play was handled correctly.

Myself, I've got a pretty good rapore with the coaches in my region. I personally would comment that although I understand his need to work hard for his team, there is still the need to not act unsporting. (I feel that he was very close to acting unsporting and we have a channel to deal with that.) I wouldn't want to see your team lose because of preventable behavior.

That's my 2 cents.
Pope Francis
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 09, 2005, 02:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 56
I would give you a good evaulation
if I were observing you. Sounds as
if everything ended up correctly except
for "others" confusion.

Say nothing the next evening, treat it
as thou it were totally another game.(which
it is)
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