I am not making this up, I swear -- no wait, I affirm, since I am a Quaker.
Pre-game coach and captain meeting at center court, the usual remarks. After the statement about sportsmanship, the stupider of the two coaches says, "I won't yell, at the refs, but I may need to (wink!) point some things out (Wink!)". Okay, haha, very cute. Then the other coach asked about the rule about commercial brand markings on headbands. As I describe the rule and the reason for it Stupid is shaking his head. "That's not really in the book, is it?" I said, "Yes, it is look it up when you get home." "Oh," he says, "I never read the rule book" He really said those very words right in front of the other coach and his own captains and God. I couldn't believe it.
Of course it made my job easy. When he was screaming about 3 seconds (as his own player was making a fast break down court with a stolen ball, he's still counting, on a girl who had fallen trying to defend against the steal!), I just leaned over to him as I ran past, "Coach before you scream about any more rules, just remember who on this floor has read the book in the last week and who hasn't." Not one more word out of him for the rest of the game.
It's not a Dav-ism, because it's too obvious and it wasn't me that set it up. But I'd give the Dunce Cap to this coach, wouldn't you?