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Need more information
I am assuming that they are talking about using your voice instead of just T'ing up players and coaches for behavior.
I do not know if there is a specific article or site that I can reference, but there are technics you can use. One is just simply talking to players and coaches in a calm tone. Use the FT line as a place to make a point. Use dead ball situation when you see players getting out of hand. But I am assuming what you are talking about. Peace
Let us get into "Good Trouble." ----------------------------------------------------------- Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010) |
I know what you're talking about. The 10 ways to call a tech and the 10 ways not to call a tech. Try searching the web, I remember getting it off a loacl board site, but that was a year or two ago, and i don't remember what site i got it from.
The Technical Foul, By Kathy Jenkins Top Ten Reasons To Not Give A Technical Foul 1. You can address a coach before it becomes a problem. A quiet word can go a long way in preventing. 2. Coaches are competitors they love challenges. Don't back yourself into a corner by saying be quiet or else. Instead offer a reason why you might be right. 3. When coaches complain ask yourself, is the call questionable, is the call wrong. If they have a legitimate grip then allow them some latitude. 4. If you know a coach is upset then move out on to the floor when in front of their bench. 5. Don't tolerate a lot before a warning. Warnings can be very effective in preventing situations from escalating. 6. Lend and ear. Coaches like to be heard. If you ignore them then they become more frustrated and are more likely to lose control. 7. If a coach says something and you are the only one who hears it, if you T them while they are sitting on the bench, then you get the worst of the situation. 8. If an assistant is out of line then you can speak to the head coach ask them to help you out. 9. If a player is out of line then let the coach know. Tell them you've warned their player. That way it you do give a T then the coach isn't surprised. Most good coaches will speak to the player first. 10. If you have had a rough day and know your fuse is short. Keep it in mind before you do anything rash. Ask yourself, does the situation come under one of the top ten reasons to give a T. The Top Ten Reasons To Give A Technical Foul Knowing when the right time to call a technical foul is half the battle. There are many different factors to consider, when deciding to give a technical. Flow, time and score, language, the number of times a coach has complained, what the coach is complaining about, whether or not the coach wants one are all things that should be given consideration before calling a technical. Generally there are three areas of coach's behavior that need attention: When a coach makes it personal. When a coach draws attention to himself or herself. When a coach' s complaints are persistent. Some technicals are easy. They are black and white situations that leave little room for negotiations. 1. Leaving the confines of the coaching box and complaining. 2. Using profanity or language that is abusive, vulgar or obscene. 3. If coach or player has been warned and has not heeded the warning. 4. A coach demonstrates displeasure with your partner and their back is turned. Other technical fouls are not as black and white. In some situations a warning may be appropriate before the technical foul is given. 5. A coach or player continually demonstrates signals or asks for calls. 6. If you are being embarrassed. 7. If giving a T will help give structure back to the game. Will it have a calming effect on things. 8. A coach questions your integrity. 9. If they have interfered with the game or your concentration then usually they have gone to far. 10. Inciting an undesirable crowd reaction. Top Ten Ways to Give a Technical Foul 1. Calling a technical foul should be no different then calling any other violation. Maintain a pleasant attitude, have poise and presence. Don't embarrass them by being demonstrative. 2. Call the Technical. Report to the table and leave the area. 3. Explanations, it need should be done by partner. 4. Never look at a coach when you give a T. 5. When you give a T walk away. Find your partner. 6. After technical fouls get the ball in play immediately. 7. If you T a coach, after the T come back even stronger. Don't back off. Come back with the tough call that goes against that coach if It Is there. 8. Don't go to coaches after your partner has given them a T. Let your partner give any explanations needed. 9. Make them earn the second one. Don't be reluctant to give the second one if it is warranted. 10. Explain technicals on players to coaches: "Taunting and Baiting", "Cussing", Too much mouth." |
I really have a problem with number 4 under not to give.
No way I'm letting a coach influence my postioning, EVER. I'm going where I need to be. If that's onto the floor, fine. If that's right in their lap, I'll be there regurdless of their temperment. |
My general opinion is that I don't like lists like this for officiating. People are different and they will do things differently. For someone to tell others how to or how not to do such and such on a basketball court seems awfully presumptuous. You will attend many camps and get many DOs and DON'Ts from various officials. Take what you want, junk what you wish. In the end, you'll do it your way (or your assignor's way) anyway.
For example, I point out that the author states one reason for calling a technical foul is: 2. Using profanity or language that is abusive, vulgar or obscene. However, not only is this a technical foul, but according to NFHS rules it is also flagrant. The words chosen by the list writer even match those in the definition. 4-19-4 A flagrant foul may be ... If technical, it involves ... extreme or persistent, vulgar or abusive conduct. That being said, I'd be willing to bet that the author is not advocating calling this flagrant. For many others, I'm sure that it would be. PS And our esteemed author missed my favorite: The coach argues and is wrong about the rule. Not what happened on the play, not the judgment, just the plain and simple rule. = Whack! |
These are some very good posts. I have mixed feelings about this list. I think experience is the main factor to determine the time or reason for a T.
I was having a discussion with an official at a camp about giving the coach a second T. He is of the opinion that it is voodoo for the same official to give a coach a second T at any level. He said he would go to his partner, grab (or hold, not really hard) them on the arm and tell them "look at me." It sounded very storybook/corny the way he said it. I told him that I'm of the opinion to avoid "I will never...." because a coach can attempt to make a fool out of us if we follow this "rule" and our partners do not have our back. I haven't given a coach two technicals in a game before (rec league/summer doesn't count ![]() |
try to avoid it..but if need be
In our area, we try to avoid giving the second T fromt he same official. However, if I T a coach up, and the next time down the floor he deserves another one, granted he has to earn it, I would not be afraid to whack him again. I agree with the posts that mention experience and personal style/preference...
[Edited by cmathews on Jul 1st, 2004 at 10:11 AM] |
Aren't coaches allowed to be wrong about a rule? Can't you think of better ways to handle this than a T?
9-11-01 http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/fallenheroes/index.php http://www.carydufour.com/marinemoms...llowribbon.jpg |
Better yet, I would not have any coaches and I would have to forfeit all the games. ![]() Peace
Let us get into "Good Trouble." ----------------------------------------------------------- Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010) |
Look at the positive side, Dan. There is a big motivation for the coaches to learn the rules; or at least not to argue them. 9 out of every 10 coaches out here know how I handle this and accept what I tell them when it comes to the rules. That tenth coach learns the hard way.
I don't see myself as being the motivator for coaches or players to learn - hard or easy way. If a coach or player questions a rule I'll explain. If the coach doesn't want to accept my explanation I'm usually able to end the discussion quickly enough without a T. If there is a T it's usually because that's what the coach wanted the result to be anyway. It's never because it's an automatic.
9-11-01 http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/fallenheroes/index.php http://www.carydufour.com/marinemoms...llowribbon.jpg |
Examples of Nevada's automatic Ts from games that I have coached in during the spring.
"Player didn't control the ball - Travel!" (this is how the call was made during the run of play! Player dropped the ball while picking it up. I simplyt asked wasn't that a fumble. Response: "She fumbled it coach - that's a double dribble!" Situation where A had ball in front court, B tapped a pass, A tapped it and recovered in backcourt. I tell ref that's a backcourt because A was last to touch in f/c. "Your player touched it coach, they didn't have control - that's not a backcourt!" If this passes for rules knowledge from refs getting paid to ref a game, how can a coach that has these same understandings get a T for not knowing the rules? And where is that T covered in the rulebook? It is somehow more unsporting to ask for a call when you have the rule wrong than when you have it right? Sorry Nevada, but this has to be one of the more ludicrous reasons for an automatic T that I have read. |
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