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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 07, 1999, 04:33pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 149

White player is at the line for a 1 and 1. After the ball is handed to him to shoot, there is a double lane violation by black and white. They swapped positions simultaneously.

What's the call?


A1 is on the baseline for a throw-in after a made basket by team B. A clumsy child, he throws the ball into the back of the backboard and it bounces back to him and he catches it. Does he get to continue the throw-in since the ball never went courtside or does the ball revert to team B?

Both these situations aren't seen very often but I saw them both last weekend---I won't tell you how we called them, Ralph.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 07, 1999, 04:39pm
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Originally posted by Ralph Stubenthal on 12-07-1999 03:33 PM
White player is at the line for a 1 and 1.
double violation, go with the possession arrow.

After the ball is handed to him to shoot, there is a double lane violation by black and white. They swapped positions simultaneously.

What's the call?

double violation possession arrow.

other question. Back of backboard is out of bounds so it is dead before it comes back to A1. B's ball OOB underneigth on either side of the lane.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 07, 1999, 04:40pm
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 92

In your play. You have to determine who moved first. If defense and then offense, then double violation, possession arrow. If offense moved first, the play is killed at once and the free throw is cancelled or not counted if already in the air.

Second case, the back of the backboard is out off bounds so the player violated even if the ball had not touched him. If the ball hits the edge and then comes back to him while out of bounds, violation.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 07, 1999, 06:40pm
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Originally posted by Jerry Baldwin on 12-07-1999 03:40 PM
In your play. You have to determine who moved first. If defense and then offense, then double violation, possession arrow. If offense moved first, the play is killed at once and the free throw is cancelled or not counted if already in the air.

Be careful. It doesn't matter who moves first. All that matters is who's foot crosses the line first (or who touches in the lane first if the feet haven't crossed the line).

A player may, at any time, legally move within the 3'x3' box that makes up the lane space (short of disconcertion). It is legal if player A2 takes a step back to spring into the lane as soon as the ball hits something.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 09, 1999, 07:49pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 92

As long as the player does not fake in the 3' x 3' square, I'm ok with stepping back. I have one school that has a player that picks up his right leg and just as the ball is released he breaks the plane. I have warned him but I have to keep calling a violation. This kid is apparently not real bright, too much cross breeding I think. Later.
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