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I'm just curious who is reading and replying on this board. Are there any guys that read and add comments that are actually working these big time college games, or maybe even some NBA refs ?
Not really looking for everyone to identify themselves by name. Just maybe your forum name and brief history of what you work. Might help in really finding out who's been in the wars.. and who is commenting more as an observer. Just in general.. who is in here ?? |
Is it me or are you awful nosy? :D
Not really... Don't want names.. as you should have read.. Just curious... maybe with some background info.. we could decide who is F O S*** |
Wouldn't matter, since anyone could make up tons of background info. Resumes here are worth the paper you read them on.
Well it's out there.. if anyone wants to participate.. Like i said.. just curious. Didn't start this thread to debate whethere someone should or should not participate.. Thanks |
Know what? It don't really matter what level you're working at here. It's a communist forum. :D Everybody's equal. I've read posts on here from relatively new or supposedly low-level officials that were informative, thought-provoking, and also completely right on, imo. And yes, I'll admit that I learned something new from them. I've also read posts from guys who have represented themselves to be high-level, experienced officials, and I felt like kicking my computer screen in after I read them- because I disagreed with them so much. Also, never, ever think that high school officials automatically rank below college or pro officials. There are some great, great officials in the high school ranks that have no interest in doing anything higher due to job or family committments. I just take the posts here as I personally find them, answer questions if I can, learn where I can (and believe me, I learn reading posts here. There's some really sharp dudes posting here- from ALL levels) and try to have a little fun at the same time.
My 2 cents. |
There have been refs on here in the past who worked the WNBA. I don't know if there are any right now. One who used to be on here fairly regularly is working in the NBDL this year. I saw his name in a certain unnamed publication. I don't remember any NBA officials, but my guess would be they don't have time. Several D1 officials here, off and on in the past.
And what Jurassic says about great high school officials is true. There are a lot of great ones out there, and some of them post on this board. |
Like Jurassic said, it doesn't really matter. Anyone can claim anything. I do think, however, that Jurassic Referee worked the 1923 and 1927 college championship games; wasn't the big game the NIT championship at that time?
I don't know that I've ever made any statement about what level I work or don't work. I don't particularly care to. I'd rather be judged from my actual contributions than an, a best, inaccurate label. In the end, it doesn't really matter what I or anyone else works. Some excellent officials don't have the flexibility in their personal schedules or the desire to pursue a D1 schedule. Also, some people are better teachers that practitioners. There can be some people who don't actually call a good game that have a lot to offer is specific areas. There are also some here who overstate their abilties and also some who understate them. You can tell who is who after reading a little bit. There are some big chest thumpers and some pretty humble people too. Just stick around and you'll see who's blowing smoke versus who's talking straight. There are certainly some who, when they post, I've come to trust while there are others that I'd just as soon have a killfile for (they occassionally offer something interesting but it's mostly noise.) Additionally, there are many people who may only read the forum but never post and never even create an account. |
The winner of the NIT was regarded as the de facto National Champion right into the '50s. If I remember right, they played the tournaments after each other for a while, and some teams got invited to both. I think the CCNY national championship team from around 1951 won both tournaments. CCNY later had that national championship taken away because of a betting scandal, and they actually dropped their varsity program because of it. A year or two after that, Kentucky got nailed big time in a betting scandal too( around 1954, I think). Both CCNY and Kentucky had some great players banned for life- so they couldn't go to the NBA. That was about the time that the NIT began to lose it's lustre, and the NCAA started to grow in prominence until it was recognized as officialy being for the national championship. Just history, off the top of my head, for anybody interested. |
I'd have to say that Camron is pretty much on the money here. You cannot equate the level a person works with whether he/she is FOS.
I've been hanging out here for a little more than a year now. I have a pretty good feel for who is the real deal and who is just talking a good game. It's not hard to get that. On the other hand, even some of the real deal folks occassionally get out there a bit. And, I have learned things from folks whom I prefer to ignore most of the time. There are folks here who are rules gurus, folks who understand the game incredibly well, folks with superb judgement, folks who know mechanics inside and out, folks who are incredible communicators, folks with enormous presence, folks who understand what it takes to get to the top, folks who really have the vision of doing it for the kids, folks who probably worked Jim Naismith's first games, folks who are still reeling from having just worked their first game. At any given moment, each one of these folks can make a great contribution or be FOS. This board is like a box of chocolates! :D |
tough kids, sissy kids, even kids with chicken pox... Quote:
I have no problem answering your question about levels worked, but I agree it has no bearing on who knows more than whom. I ref High School Girls and Boys Basketball, and JuCo, D II and D III Men's Hoops; I ref HS Football and D II and D III Football. I'm sure your reasons for asking this question are pure, and it is fun to hear where people are coming from. I think in some regions of the country its easier to make advances than others, it would be interesting to hear about problems or good situations officials from all over have with "moving up."
Oops, I guess you meant to imply I am a tad bit older. I confess, I'm turning the big 4-0 on June 24th of this year. Yippee!!! |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Barry C. Morris
As for looking for who is FOS, you never do that solely with credentials. I learned in the military that you respect individuals for who they are and how they carry themselves, and you show respect for those that command that respect due to the uniform they wear. So I may personally respect a Seaman Apprentice a helluvalot more than a Captain if the Captain is a arrogant snob and the SA knows his job and does it well. I will salute the Captain and call him "Sir," but that doesn't mean he isn't FOS. |
Presence. |
I'm the NBA Supervisor of Officials ;). No, wait, that was in my other life.
I've been dating myself, since my wife found out that I was married.
I'm one of the stupid fans harassing you from the sidelines........ and from where I'm sitting in the bleachers, i can see the baseline better than you, I can count faster (or slower) than you, although when you ask me to define "three seconds in the paint" I couldn't do it if my life depended on it, what do you mean, it's just "three seconds" dadgummit, what else is there to know about it? I just can't understand why you don't call travelling when that kid takes two stutter-steps with their non-pivot foot- no I wasn't looking closely at the pivot foot but by the looks of that head fake they MUST have drug it a little...... and how many times are you going to ignore me when I screaam for "over-the-back" when that 6-foot post rebounds, (WITHOUT TOUCHING A THREAD ON THEIR JERSEY) behind the not-so-vertically-enhanced post from our team, which I am paying good money for my kid to be the star of....no I'm not biased, I'm just upset because my kid is sittin the bench for his bad attitude cuz we're down by thirty and you're not helping us out....... |
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