a) A4 is dribbling the ball in the BC, he puts one foot in the FC and returns it to the BC. Does the 10 second count continue or does he have a new 10 second count?
b) A4 is in the BC, he passes the ball to the FC with a count of 9 seconds. The ball bouces in the FC for two seconds before it is picked by A5. Does the 10 second count stop when the ball touches the FC or when the ball touches a player in the FC? I believe these are simple questions. In a), no FC status so the count continues and in b)the count ends with FC status when the ball touches the floor in the FC. However, after a conversation with a fellow official, he put some doubts in my mind. |
a. count continues. never left back court.
b. count stops when the ball bounces in the front court. It has gained front court status. The count should continue if passed at 9 sec. and is still airborne at 10 seconds. Ignore your official friend on these issues.
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