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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 24, 2004, 11:23am
ace ace is offline
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Last night was fun and when it was all over said and done with the coaches were happy. (freshman boys A-team)

A1 brinigng ball from As backcourt into front court B1 takes a lunge at A1 to grab his jesery to pick up an intentional foul (would be #2 for Team B)no team was in bonus A couldnt hit a free throw if you moved them up closer to the basket but they could score from outside and were up by 2. Good game, had a good pace, players really made it easy to call. He misses the jesery and lunges again and grabs his hib and twists A1 TWEET! Intentional. WELL then he lunges again and tackles A1- WHACK dead ball foul technical. I close down hard as I'm trail. Lead partner is trying to keep two other kids from pushin. I walk up to A1 and say "walk away... just walk away" I tell B1 to do the same. Well i feel like that confrontation is over so I make sure my partner is watching the whole floor and i turn around to go report all the fun we're about to have and I hear sneakers twisting on the floor and I turn around and A1 and B1 are bumpin chests... I took a deep breath walked up to them and say boys walk away from each other right now. Well the bumped chests again so i just went WHACK WHACK one for each ejected both. (NFHS Rule 4.18.2 and 10.3.8 and 10.3.9) Now that I look back on it I sorta tossed B1 twice. Once for the flagrant contact during dead ball and then again for fighting. Called my assignor and as soon as he got done with his exciting varsity game we talked. Said I handled the situation greatly and that he was going to call the coaches on Monday. Well... the story gets better. I'm 2 feet from the locker room. Partner went the other way and was out the door on the way to his car and I still had to change. Well I'm walking in the locker room and I hear - 'scuse me mr. official. Its both coaches and then the visitors(a in the situation) freshman boys B coach. They shake my hand and ask if they could talk to me for a second. So I put one hand on my rib... my elbow on that hand and a hand to rest my chin on and listen. They THANK me for taking control in the situation and taking care of business and these boys will be dealt with. They go on and on about how much control we had..the moood we set early on with our calls. We just made the enviroment basketball friendly and that this was the best officiating that they've seen all season long and wish they could see me more often. Shook my hand and walked down the hall to the varsity gym. I was like huh, aint that some s**t. Well I walked in the locker room and saw a pleading 2 man varsity crew who was missing there 3rd. Askd if I knew three man and said ugh, not cleard to do varsity this season (first year). Long story short they're 3rd walks in the door 2 min before they're due out on the floor.

It was a fun night. Despite the crazy situation the games were fun and well played and made for a good night.
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 24, 2004, 11:32am
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Thumbs up

Good job, Ace!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 24, 2004, 11:52am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally posted by ace
Now that I look back on it I sorta tossed B1 twice. Once for the flagrant contact during dead ball and then again for fighting
If that's true, may I suggest that you probably should have walked B1 away and toward his bench. Then, the confrontation after you went to report could have been avoided.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 24, 2004, 12:26pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 130
Well I walked in the locker room and saw a pleading 2 man varsity crew who was missing there 3rd. Askd if I knew three man and said ugh, not cleard to do varsity this season (first year). Long story short they're 3rd walks in the door 2 min before they're due out on the floor.


I was in this position, when the senior official asked twice, I JUMPED ALL OVER IT!!!! I can say I did a varsity game.

BTW, good job with the mess!!!

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