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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 10:59am
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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A few random questions from a rookie, to-be official:

*Team A has control in their frontcourt, A1 shoots and hits the rim, A2 secures the rebound and kicks it back out to A3, but it goes over A3's head into the backcourt. Is this over and back?

*Can a free throw shooter be the first one to touch the ball? (if they clank it off the front of the rim and then run up and get the rebound, assuming they don't cross the line until the ball hits the rim). How about for someone behind the 3-point arch? Can they run up and get the rebound as soon as it hits the rim?

*Once and for all, can someone explain over and back with a simple rule? For instance, do both the ball and both feet have to be in backcourt for it to be called? I see refs call it different ways constantly!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:17am
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Looks like I'm the first to jump in on this one. As per my name, all comments should be taken "cum grano salis"!!

As to backcourt, if a member of Team A is first to touch the ball in b/c you have a violation

Free throw shooter has every right to get rebound, provided there is no lane violation.
3 point shooter is free to get rebound from rim as well as if it does not hit the rim as control ends on the try.
Their position on the floor does not impact the decision.

There are several very extensive discussions of b/c situations within the last two weeks that should clarify this for you. Sorry but the search feature has been disabled

Prettys Womans in your city
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:17am
Jerry Blum
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1) Not a backcourt violoation unless someone from A touches it first in the backcourt.

2)Yes to all, as long as the ball hits the rim before the shooter crosses the free throw line or the other players cross the 3 pt line.

3) I am going to let some else get this, not sure exactly what you are looking for.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:23am
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Originally posted by stripes52
A few random questions from a rookie, to-be official:

*Team A has control in their frontcourt, A1 shoots and hits the rim, A2 secures the rebound and kicks it back out to A3, but it goes over A3's head into the backcourt. Is this over and back?

Not yet. If any member of Team A is the first to touch the ball, then it will be a violation.

*Can a free throw shooter be the first one to touch the ball? How about for someone behind the 3-point arch? Can they run up and get the rebound as soon as it hits the rim?

Yes and yes.

*Once and for all, can someone explain over and back with a simple rule? For instance, do both the ball and both feet have to be in backcourt for it to be called?
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, to be honest. If A1 has control of the ball, either holding or dribbling, then once the ball has frontcourt status, as soon as either A1 or the ball touches the backcourt, it's a violation.

So how does the ball get frontcourt status? If A1 is holding the ball, then the ball is in the frontcourt when A1 is touching the frontcourt but is not touching the backcourt. If A1 is dribbling, then the ball is in the frontcourt when both of A1's feet and the ball are in the frontcourt.

Hope that helps.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:25am
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Originally posted by justacoach
Looks like I'm the first to jump in on this one. As per my name, all comments should be taken "cum grano salis"!!

With a jar of salsa? What's that about?


As to backcourt, if a member of Team A is first to touch the ball in b/c you have a violation

Since A1 had control of the ball in the FC to pass into the BC an A player may not be the first to touch it.


Free throw shooter has every right to get rebound, provided there is no lane violation.
3 point shooter is free to get rebound from rim as well as if it does not hit the rim as control ends on the try.
Their position on the floor does not impact the decision.

assuming none of the FT rules are violated anybody can rebound a FT (although my experience is if the offense rebounds a FT the defensive coach tends to disagree, and lets his team know about it very loudly!


There are several very extensive discussions of b/c situations within the last two weeks that should clarify this for you. Sorry but the search feature has been disabled
Team A in control of ball
Ball has FC status
A last to touch ball before it goes BC
A first to touch thereafter.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:40am
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Play #1:
When A2 SECURES the rebound, he has gained player/team control so front court status has been established. The ball is thrown over A3's head into the backcourt, but it is not a backcourt violation until a Team A player touches the ball before a Team B player touches it.

Play #2:
The answer is YES in your examples.

Play #3:
A) If the ball already has F/C status (Team A dribbling/passing in it's F/C) then there will be a B/C violation if a Team A player touches the ball while he is in the B/C (and Player B hasn't touched it first). To be in the B/C Player A merely has to have his heel or toe
TOUCHING the division line (which is in the B/C). There is no requirement for both feet to be in B/C.

B) If the ball has NOT gained F/C status and Player A is dribbling the ball near the division line, he is still considered to have B/C status until both his feet and the ball have touched in the F/C. So he can dribble along the line with one foot in F/C and one foot in B/C and the ball in either court (for example), and he still has B/C status.
Once both feet and the ball have gone OVER the division line (not touching it) and touched the court he has gained F/C status. Then see A above.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:52am
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I was going to welcome stripes52 to the forum, but apparently he's not actually here yet, b/c his post total still reads "zero"!!
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 03:45pm
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Originally posted by justacoach
... all comments should be taken "cum grano salis"!!
Show off!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:28pm
oc oc is offline
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For your backcourt issues check out this thread:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 11:49pm
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Originally posted by oc
For your backcourt issues check out this thread:
oc, you're too kind.

For you newbies, take the test, don't look at the answers which appear later in the thread.

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