NFHS Rule - False Double Foul
Looking to validate an adjudication of this play: Rule 4-19.Art 9
Thanks in advance for the ruling comments. |
Order Of Occurrence ...
My take:
1) A1 is fouled by B1 during a press 2) A1 takes exception to the foul and pushes B1 3) A1 is assessed a technical foul 4) As the players are milling about for 30 seconds, B2 taunts A2 5) B2 is then assessed a technical foul 6) A1 shoots the 1:1, no players occupy the lane spaces 7) Team B shoots technical foul free throws, no players occupy the lane spaces 8) Team A shoots technical foul free throws, no players occupy the lane spaces 9) Team A gets ball at division line, opposite table side Point of interruption is the penalty for a double personal or a double technical foul and I don't see any type of double foul here. Nor do I see simultaneous personal or simultaneous technical fouls by opponents (also point of interruption). Absent any double fouls, or simultaneous fouls, each foul carries its own penalty, and the penalties for the acts described above are administered in the order in which they occurred. |
Always Listen To bob ...
commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time. A double technical foul is a situation in which two opponents commit technical fouls against each other at approximately the same time. A false double foul is a situation in which there are fouls by both teams, the second of which occurs before the clock is started following the first, and such that at least one of the attributes of a double foul is absent. A simultaneous foul (personal or technical) by opponents is a situation in which there is a foul by both teams which occurs at approximately the same time, but are not committed by opponents against each other. A multiple foul is a situation in which two or more teammates commit personal fouls against the same opponent at approximately the same time. A false multiple foul is a situation in which there are two or more fouls by the same team and the last foul is committed before the clock is started following the first, and at least one of the attributes of a multiple foul is absent. |
Thank you for the reply back....
Your ruling is quite correct as I see that the POI only comes into play via a DOUBLE FOUL scenario and NOT a False Double Foul - as this was defined. |
Off-Setting Fighting Technical Fouls ...
There has to be a fight (flagrant fouls, disqualifications, etc.) for this to happen. I don't believe that "off-setting" technical fouls (no free throws) can occur outside of a fight. |
It's possible. A1 scores and says, "Can't stop that!". B2: "F*** you!" Here is another example of offsetting technical fouls, without a fight.
However, because the personal foul was followed by a technical foul, both fouls must be penalized. The third foul in the sequence (the second technical foul) must be enforced after the previous two fouls, because the previous fouls were enforced, making it a false double foul situation. The POI principle only applies to true double foul situations or simultaneous foul situations under NFHS rules. Disclaimer: POI also applies to other situations, such as inadvertent whistles, simultaneous free throw violations, and correctable errors. However my previous paragraph only mentioned foul situations. |
I believe your play is a double technical foul...both happened approximately the same time and were against each other. No FTs for the double T. Shoot the 1+1 normally. |
[QUOTE=ilyazhito;1036121]It's possible. A1 scores and says, "Can't stop that!". B2: "F*** you!" Here is another example of offsetting technical fouls, without a fight.
However, because the personal foul was followed by a technical foul, both fouls must be penalized. The third foul in the sequence (the second technical foul) must be enforced after the previous two fouls, because the previous fouls were enforced, making it a false double foul situation./QUOTE] If you are talking about your situation, and not the OP, I disagree. In your situation, you have a single foul, followed by a double foul. You don't need to try to "offset" the first two that happened. NO FTs for the double foul, and resume with the administration of the single foul. |
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