Originally posted by JRutledge
Are the classes mandatory? And what do you discuss in these classes? How to officiate or do you go over rules?
The classes are mandatory. The first year is just de-mythologizing refereeing -- you know, stuff like, "You may think the rule is such and such but it's really so and so." And trying to get everyone on the same page as far as how tight and how loose the association wants us to be. There is a lot of time on the basics of rules, floor coverage, the signals, and other mechanics, how to work with a partner, and a sort of beginners trouble-shooting thread. Second and third year are mostly on the game management and coach relationship stuff, with plenty of time for rules discussions, and "What should I have done?" stuff. By the 4th and 5th year class, most have either gotten varsity status, or are working on Wednesday evenings, but the class is to cover stuff that Howard had gotten complaints about (always done anonymously), or for the students to ask about situations, or about something they've heard, but didn't understand.
The first, second and third year classes take the Part ! test home and do it and then go over it in class, before the association gives the Part !! test. After the Part II test, those classes go over the results, and make sure the students understand everything.
Until a ref gets varsity status, he or she must talk 10 different people into giving him or her an evaluation of a game, to turn in. 10 per year required. After varsity status, the association gets the evaluation stuff covered somehow.
Which reminds me, I need to go e-mail Howard that I WANT evaluations this year. I don't want any coasting!
And Jeff, thanks for asking. This is my 2000th post!! Not as commendable as mick's 34 years of marriage, but still a minor accomplishment.
[Edited by rainmaker on Sep 22nd, 2003 at 11:29 PM]