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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 02:18pm
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Scrimmage season blues

We're beginning the second week of scrimmage season in the great state of South Carolina, where it is considered our "volunteer duty to the schools" to work scrimmages for free.

Our assigner told us that we are to treat scrimmages like real games in terms of penalizing unsporting behavior from coaches–in other words, we can't pack up and leave if a coach is being a jerk. We're supposed to just T and eject if necessary and write a report.

Ah, catering to the schools' desires without any compensation. Gotta love this time of year.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 02:21pm
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Is this the public schools or the private schools?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 02:23pm
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This is the SCHSL, so mostly public schools. My district is all public schools.

SCISA officials aren't paid for scrimmages either, I don't think. I'm not sure what directives they're given.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 02:26pm
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I'm thankful that we don't work scrimmages for free.

I had to turn back my 2 scrimmages last week as there were some family health issues this past week. They would've paid me 150% of the usual varsity pay each. Looks like I'll start my season with a game this year.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 02:29pm
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3966, someone in my district said that if we walk out of scrimmages because of coaches misbehaving, "you've allowed the coach to win" and "it's not fair to the kids."
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 03:11pm
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
3966, someone in my district said that if we walk out of scrimmages because of coaches misbehaving, "you've allowed the coach to win" and "it's not fair to the kids."
Working scrimmages for free isn't "fair to the officials."

If they want officials, they should pay market rates for them.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 03:23pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Working scrimmages for free isn't "fair to the officials."

If they want officials, they should pay market rates for them.
We work them for free. The schools pay a nominal fee to the association for them to provide officials but that total is given to a local charity to provide "Santa" to children in low income families.

I have absolutely no problem with that arrangement.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 03:49pm
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There is an expectation for us to do scrimmages for free for the most part. This is not a blanket policy or even something we have to accept across the board. If you do not want to work a scrimmage for free, you do not accept the scrimmage in the first place (Arbiter is used for the most part). And scrimmages here are also not even remotely real in nature. They only involve the one school at their gym and often we might bring many officials to rotate in and out to work the scrimmage. Also there are multiple levels so we might run 2 person in one situation and then 3 officials in another. So to pay all the officials is usually unrealistic and would be inappropriate. But many scrimmages I have been paid as the veteran and we might bring along a newer or younger official to the scrimmage where they pay is additional experience.

Again, if you do not like the terms, stay home. If you want to learn something or get some experience, come out. Many times we have running clock situations and it is a glorified practice. And sometimes we are paid more than half of an actual game fee.

We also do not T up coaches or players like we would during the regular season as the "games" are very laid back and not even that contentious other than between the players. If anything we tell the coaches their players might get in some kind of trouble if that is how they behave, but we are not T'ing up players or coaches and I cannot think of any situation we actually had to unless we were doing it simply for a laugh.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Mon Nov 16, 2015 at 03:51pm.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 05:19pm
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Scrimnmages ...

We never got paid for scrimmages until a few years ago.

Before that we volunteered (we were not assigned) so we could pick and chose the scrimmages that we wanted to work, for example, schools close to home, or work, or coaches we knew from outside officiating. Occasionally we would get a twenty dollar bill, or a T-shirt, or a grinder, or a slice of pizza. Some guys didn't like working for free, so those of us that wanted to get in some practice before the season were able to get as many scrimmages as we wanted to work. One year I worked eight scrimmages. I liked working for free. I got a lot of scrimmages, never had to travel very far, and our local board earned lot of good will from principals, athletic directors, and coaches.

For some reason, basketball had no problem getting scrimmage officials throughout the state, but other sports like field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer had problems getting enough interested officials. So our state high school interscholastic sports governing body decided that all officials, for all sports, would get paid for scrimmages, and that scrimmages would be assigned as any other game assignment. For basketball, three officials are assigned, and rotate in as a two person crew (almost all of our games are two person games), and get paid $50.00 each, for covering six periods (maximum two hours).

Now everybody gets assigned scrimmages, and there aren't a lot of them to go around. One year I only got one scrimmage assignment, and had to travel halfway across the state, certainly not enough court time to get ready for my high school varsity schedule.

Bottom line, I preferred volunteering for free scrimmages.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Nov 16, 2015 at 05:24pm.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 05:26pm
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Originally Posted by BatteryPowered View Post
We work them for free. The schools pay a nominal fee to the association for them to provide officials but that total is given to a local charity to provide "Santa" to children in low income families.

I have absolutely no problem with that arrangement.
I wouldn't have a problem with this either, but this isn't the case in SC. Working scrimmages for free is simply a requirement to get full credit with the ratings system, and again, the state thinks it's our "duty to the schools."

We don't have the option of not working scrimmages that we are assigned to, unless we want our schedule or rating to suffer. At least in my district, scrimmages are not assigned through Arbiter, so the option of declining them is not there (and wouldn't be a good idea anyway for the sake of rating points and reputation with the assigner).

I do not have a problem working scrimmages for free, however, I expect to have the backing to take care of business. I have a problem with the state and assigner expecting us to cater to the schools.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 05:34pm
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Originally Posted by bballref3966 View Post
I wouldn't have a problem with this either, but this isn't the case in SC. Working scrimmages for free is simply a requirement to get full credit with the ratings system, and again, the state thinks it's our "duty to the schools."

We don't have the option of not working scrimmages that we are assigned to, unless we want our schedule or rating to suffer. At least in my district, scrimmages are not assigned through Arbiter, so the option of declining them is not there (and wouldn't be a good idea anyway for the sake of rating points and reputation with the assigner).

I do not have a problem working scrimmages for free, however, I expect to have the backing to take care of business. I have a problem with the state and assigner expecting us to cater to the schools.
That sounds like a system issue. But we are independent contractors (At least we are in my state) and if that is the case you should be able to decline any assignment unless they want to deal with a lawsuit potentially. Then again you said it has a ratings component and not doing so has consequences and you can decline such assignment.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 06:01pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
There is an expectation for us to do scrimmages for free for the most part. This is not a blanket policy or even something we have to accept across the board. If you do not want to work a scrimmage for free, you do not accept the scrimmage in the first place (Arbiter is used for the most part). And scrimmages here are also not even remotely real in nature. They only involve the one school at their gym and often we might bring many officials to rotate in and out to work the scrimmage. Also there are multiple levels so we might run 2 person in one situation and then 3 officials in another. So to pay all the officials is usually unrealistic and would be inappropriate. But many scrimmages I have been paid as the veteran and we might bring along a newer or younger official to the scrimmage where they pay is additional experience.

Again, if you do not like the terms, stay home. If you want to learn something or get some experience, come out. Many times we have running clock situations and it is a glorified practice. And sometimes we are paid more than half of an actual game fee.

Jeff, don't know if you remember this or not, but you and I worked a scrimmage together with a couple other guys that was actually my first high school officiating experience of any kind. I believe you guys got paid, but I worked for free, though you all did take out me for pizza afterward.

They even stuck me in as part of the three-man portion of the night. While it was only my first scrimmage, I learned a ton from the three veterans I worked with. Rut is right, this is invaluable experience for a young or new official.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 06:02pm
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In my area of Missouri, we used to have a summer camp that we were required to attend for the assn. no pay and it was a cattle call, just go and work games. I always wished it would have been a teaching moment with veterans counseling new guys, but it never was. If you didn't attend two sessions (approx 8 hours) you got an assn fine. Now, the got rid of it and raised assn yearly dues instead. Oh well.

MSHSAA now allows preseason jamborees for all sports. Assigned via the assn's and paid, though not much. It is a good way to get in the mood for the season but it is not near enough work to get you ready for a season, no matter the sport.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 06:13pm
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I've got two scrimmages this week, with one being a varsity scrimmage. It'll be my first three man experience in a non-clinic setting. I'm looking forward to it.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 16, 2015, 06:32pm
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
Jeff, don't know if you remember this or not, but you and I worked a scrimmage together with a couple other guys that was actually my first high school officiating experience of any kind. I believe you guys got paid, but I worked for free, though you all did take out me for pizza afterward.

They even stuck me in as part of the three-man portion of the night. While it was only my first scrimmage, I learned a ton from the three veterans I worked with. Rut is right, this is invaluable experience for a young or new official.
I do remember this very well. I also remember that we asked you to come along as we had been doing that scrimmage for years and were going to work with or without you. And yes I got paid and have no problem giving back to those when that happens. You probably got more out of that then if you paid to work a clinic to be evaluated. I did the same thing when I started, I tagged along. I learned a lot as well in those times.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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