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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 12:34am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 86
Watching a game ,since I sprained my ankle

I noticed the PU made a call saying "Dead ball, batter hit in the box"

And one of the coaches argued that the PU calling dead ball held up his runner, who would have been safe at first

these are ALL the details I saw from where I was sitting.

IMO from looking at the play

1) The kid WOULD have been out, he runs too fast inthe same place

2) the kid was NOT hit in the box. PU later told me that he didn't have a good view and from what he saw, he thought the kid got hit (actually it bounced wierd)

3) it boils down to the PU making the wrong call!

What can you do in that situation, where an Umpire makes a conflicting call, supposedly the BU didn't hear the PU yell out Dead ball, and rang the kid up when he was thrown out at 1st.
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 07:55am
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Join Date: Aug 1999
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Originally posted by Lonewolf986
Watching a game ,since I sprained my ankle

I noticed the PU made a call saying "Dead ball, batter hit in the box"

And one of the coaches argued that the PU calling dead ball held up his runner, who would have been safe at first

these are ALL the details I saw from where I was sitting.

IMO from looking at the play

1) The kid WOULD have been out, he runs too fast inthe same place

2) the kid was NOT hit in the box. PU later told me that he didn't have a good view and from what he saw, he thought the kid got hit (actually it bounced wierd)

3) it boils down to the PU making the wrong call!

What can you do in that situation, where an Umpire makes a conflicting call, supposedly the BU didn't hear the PU yell out Dead ball, and rang the kid up when he was thrown out at 1st.
If PU judged the batter wsa hit in the box, then play as if that's what happened -- dead ball, runners (including BR) return. It doesn't matter what BU called, the ball was already dead.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 08:48am
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 813
Originally posted by Lonewolf986

What can you do in that situation, where an Umpire makes a conflicting call, supposedly the BU didn't hear the PU yell out Dead ball, and rang the kid up when he was thrown out at 1st.
I don't think I'd consider this "conflicting calls" since both were not ruling on the same play---despite ruling on the same player. PU's ruling concerned the batter in the box while BU's call concerned the batter at 1B. One call was dependent upon the other.

Conflicting calls occur when more than one official rule differently on the exact same play. Suppose BR attempted a triple on his hit, and while the BU took him around the bases and called him safe at 3B on a close play, the PU had moved up the 3B, called for the play, and had called the runner out on the same slide at 3B. Now you have conflicting calls on the same play, and the PU should decide which official had the better position (and most likely the correct call), and that call should stand. Needless to say, in a 2 man crew the PU usually decides his call will stand---but not always.

In a Fed game with R2 only, the BR hit a swinging bunt up the 3B line. F1 charges and fields the ball while R2 advances to 3B. Anticipating the throw to 1B, R2 makes a very wide turn at 3B---ready to head to the plate. F1 fakes the throw to 1B and follows with a head high throw to F5 at 3B. While I declared R2 safe having safely slid in under that tag on his return, the PU declared him out. After conference, the PU accepted my call because:
  1. by the mechanics, the call belonged to me
  2. I had the better angle to see the play, and
  3. He admitted seeing nothing but a$$holes and elbows, but felt I was going to make the call at 1B and that the call at 3B then became his, and he was forced to make that call despite his poor angle.

The defense was in the 3B dugout, and the coach made no complaint after the final call was made. From his angle, the inverse of mine, it was clear the runner was under the tag.

In your play, the PU made his judgment call---and that was that the batter was struck by his own batted ball. Even if BU didn't see, hear, or recognize that call, the PU's call still stands and the ball is dead. BU's play at 1B is as if it never occrred. Yet, the PU's call and BU's call are on different plays.

While you didn't see from the stands what PU felt he saw, it's not surprising---many things are not seen from the stands. And while your judgment may be right, it means nothing. He is the umpire responsible for the call; you are not. Umpires will make judgment mistakes in the course of their duties. If everyone always agreed on the decision on all plays, then there would be no need for umpires.


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 11:00am
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: NeverNeverLand
Posts: 1,037
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lonewolf986
[B]Watching a game ,since I sprained my ankle

How you sprain your ankle, during the jump spin after a hit following the runner from 1st to 2nd? LOL

Work on those mechanics!!

Punn intended!

And by the way, Regular. Regular sunflower seeds.

"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 01:54pm
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 86
ha, Im a BBQ guy.

But I sprained my ankle trying to play hardball. I decided at the "last second" not to slide into 2nd
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 11, 2003, 05:05am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Originally posted by Lonewolf986
I noticed the PU made a call saying "Dead ball, batter hit in the box"
OUCH! I reckon I'd have a dead ball too, if I'd been hit in the box!

{Just a little sick Aussie DP humor there. Sorry about that! *HUGE grin*}

Warren Willson
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 11, 2003, 12:41pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 21
Originally posted by Warren Willson
Originally posted by Lonewolf986
I noticed the PU made a call saying "Dead ball, batter hit in the box"
OUCH! I reckon I'd have a dead ball too, if I'd been hit in the box!

{Just a little sick Aussie DP humor there. Sorry about that! *HUGE grin*}

Warren, up here in the States, boxes don't have balls!

(More sick humor...from the Lone Star state.)
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