I am working the Monterey, Ca Bronco regular season leage quite a bit this season. they host the PONY"BRONCO" world series for the next 5 or so years. 8 teams, first place manager gets the "A" team all-stars( automatic birth into series as Host Team). These managers are nuts! I had a DH today, first on the dish. V manager tells before game at plate meeting, "my second pitcher is a little herky-jerky still learing. I explain that if he has intent to decieve, we'll bang him. If he does not come to a stop in the set, we'll bang him. INTENT was gone over twice at meeting.No probs first 3( all the league allows is 3 innings per day/pitcher)Then "the herky-j" comes in. Kid can throw strikes:0, mechanics from stretch to set need work, but he SETS. Has a bit of problem taking signs off the rubber, but he engages-strech-sets. NO biggie here.Parent starts barking,"he's gotta take signs on the rubber", I hear it three times, call time and pull off mask....I say" these are 11-12's still learning, I'll talk to coach later". DEAD silence from tose folks threafter.
Next inning, I nail F1 for not stopping. Skippy comes to me asking why I warned them for balking and not him. I sez, "what balk", he sez, "taking signs off the rubber" NICE! 1;50 game over....6-4 kids played great.
Next game on the bags, first to third fakey game, F1 literally stomps the ground with non-pivot, wheels and fakes. All kinda crap, I'm like, "uh duh??" Then I got a Shoulder yank called by PU with R1 only. R1 rounds second and F1 throws for out, D coach wants an out, tells me " the ball is alive after he round the base awarded" OK. He was set straight. I got 20 more of theier games next month, they'll learn. Read the comments in shaded text after 8.05...