I get to answer the questions too. You guys don't know what it feels like to think ya know the answer but are not quite sure. If you are sure and it's WRONG-WRONG-WRONG two things happen One you can lead someone down the wrong path and two ya get your but chewed by those in the know for being wrong.
For me I'm a SNIP (that's pronounced SNY=OP) someone that's Susceptible to Negative ImPressions. So sometimes the wrong answer will stick with me and at the most inopportune time, when I need the right answer, guess what comes out of my mouth.
Therefore there are a lot of questions asked that I'd love to answer, but for this reason all I can do is sit back and wait for someone else to give my answer.
Not so with the POD. I can be wrong and no one really gives a sh-t. But by answering I get to be involved too. And assuming the person asking the question knows the right answer I also learn in the process.
The one thing I think is unfair is the pressure I put on Carl to keep coming up with a new POD. I know he's got bigger fish to fry than having me bug him all the time. SSSSSOoooo as I've said before there's some big guns on this board you guys gotta have some too. Give it a name so WE will know it's a stump the ump and post them.