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First of all, Dugout is not a chicken.
Secondly, if you know what the lady under the costume looks like, you'd be crazy not to take advantage of any opportunity to get down and funky with her.
Jim Porter |
Well, surprise, surprise. I come out to participate in one thread in weeks, and there's Garth to take an opposite viewpoint. I actually predicted that.
It's the Percocet. Enjoyable and fun are synonymous as far as I'm concerned. To draw such a line just to oppose me is silly. It defines, "splitting hairs."
Jim Porter |
First, rather than "amping up" the conversation I would rather just speak of my personal philosophy.
Many times umpire attitude mirrors life. That is the way it is with me. I think we can disagree without a personal battle so I'll mention just a few things: 1) My reference to "Chicken" was a universal term meaning any type on field demonstration. This would include dancing to music, playing games with a mascot, or just about anything that, in my opinion, detracts from the game. 2) Jim, you are aware I don't work Small diamond ball and the attitude of "taking the pressure off the kids" to me, in my personal opinion, is pure poppycock. This liberal argument simply shows where education and up bringing children has gone. 3) Asserting power is part of the process of umpiring. Especially in a Small Diamond environment showing the example of power, rules and respect should be considered an integral part of the game. By watching the LL World Series it obviously isn't important to that organization. 4) In my opinion the one thing sport "should" teach is to be competative. The will to work towards a goal, the discipline of giving up the "easy" stuff to get your lunch stuffed down your throat, the understanding of giving to a greater cause, ALL are what sports are about to me. In my opinion umpires have a responsibility to teach coaches, players and fans. That teaching is some time sudden and complete . . . that is much like life. 5) I enjoy umpiring. I enjoy the challenge. I enjoy seeing the efforts of my long time training come to a just conclusion. I enjoy the team work displayed by a well oiled umpire crew. But umpiring, like going to the office every day, is WORK. I enjoy working. I posted that people should have the right of self determination. I believe that . . . if you want to dance with "Dugout" (and I have no clue what that is) then do it. I select not to do those type things at least respect that. |
Re: Jim
Originally posted by Tim C
But umpiring, like going to the office every day, is WORK. I enjoy working. Tee I agree with many things you say but I differ with the aforementioned statement. I make a heck of a lot more money working than umpiring. I consider umpiring more of a hobby than a job, meaning umpiring is not first and foremost in my life. Also, why umpiring is not like working out in a gym it is exercise. I enjoy the commodary with my fellow umpires, the GLM's on the fields and many other things. While umpiring is not like being on the beach IMO it should be fun. At least from my viewpoint the day I view umpiring as strictly a job is the day it's time to take up golf or something. Unless you officiate many sports where officiating is a Form of income, for the most part the money one gets from umpiring is extra money. It pays for a nice vacation for the family, upgrade in equipment and maybe some left over so I can go to the casino with my buddies. The dancing is more of the SHOW part of umpiring. Also, it's not unique to the LLWS. As I mentioned in another thread, MINOR league umpires are encouraged to be part of the OVERALL show and it doesn't take away from their authority or dignity on the field. The coaches and the players KNOW what's going on as the players and the Coaches are ALSO part of the show. Also, I think you make a very VALID point about the Power issue and this is where some umpires think their you know what doesn't stink when they are on the field. Too many umpires take this Power issue to the hilt and are unapproachabe, etc. I agree with many points you make, but at least for me I do not view umpiring as a job but more of a hobby. Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth |
I haven't had a personal battle with you in years, yet you still fear it. That's your problem, not mine. The day umpiring becomes work is the day I hang up my plate shoes. 12-year-olds learn by example. When they see that adults can cut loose and have fun in a pressure-filled environment, they too can cut loose and have fun. That's not poppycock or liberal, it's reality. Dugout is some sort of rodent with a very nice looking lady underneath. I for one wouldn't pass up the chance to dance with her.
Jim Porter |
Hmmm, to Pete!
When I look in my wallet my money does not say "extra" or "work money" . . . it normally says, "SPEND ME!" Like you I make a considerable amount more money as my chosen profession than umpiring. However, I make a lot more money umpiring during my "off" hours than I would make sitting on the dock of the bay fishin'. If "extra maney" as you call it allows me to buy a bigger TV, or new golf clubs or a better brand of scotch then it is simple "income" and important to me. I think you have also read my crap long enough to recognize that I also buy "loads" of the best gear available. The would mean I reinvest my monies in gear and training. The MONEY is important to me . . . I keep score at everything I do. Pete I also recognize the that "Humanization" of baseball is a selected process by marketers. Seeing a minor league umpire be made fun of must be important to someone because it is, tragically so, becoming more the rule than an exception. Last . . . having power is important . . . however, being able to use that power judiciously is more important. These use (or sadly the abuse) of power is what separates good umpires from bad, great umpires from good umpires, and highly successful umpires from also-rans. |
I started playing baseball because, at age 6, that's what one did in the circle in which I ran. I excelled, and had a LOT of fun with my peers, and played until the "real world" caught up with me. I was away from the game awhile, but felt the longing for the fun and success I'd enjoyed, so I got into umpiring. It's been 25 years and I'm still enjoying the fun with my peers and the success at my performance. Power? I had it when I played because I was good at the game, and I have it now as an umpire because it is appointed to me as a job responsibility - but it's not why I umpire. I liken it to the cop who carries a gun but never enjoys using it. He gets more of a kick helping people play their "game" of life smoothly. I love the game of baseball - the crack of the bat, the smell of the grass, the excitement of competition in the air, the great plays and players, the old and new ballparks, and the familiar faces season after season. I will miss all of that someday, so I savor it now. Definitely fun. Definitely.
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If I may make three observations and a suggestion: Observation 1: You seem more paranoid than usual, even for you. How can this, in any way, be fun for you? After all, you maintain that you do this for fun! Observation 2: I don't see the post from Garth that you refer to. Is this another hallucination or is it eumpire censorship? Observation 3: Only in your mind is Tee afraid of you. Suggestion: Double up on the Percocet. Throw in some Prozac and you will be so mellow that you won't care what a$$holes like Tee, Garth, and me think. Peter |
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