Originally Posted by bisonpitcher
I have searched the posts about on deck batters and haven't found any clear answer to the following question. Where in OBR does it deal with on deck batter position?? Although I do mostly FED games and it is explicitly dealt with in FED rules, I also do some of the 14U tourneys on weekends around here. Most of these use OBR w/modifications. It has become more and more commonplace for on deck batters to try to get behind the batter, even if that means going to the opponents on deck circle. I have always sent them back to their side and told them they could move further down the line or to DBT if we had cramped quarters. Never had anyone push the issue. However, I saw some people in other posts use 3.17 to defend this position, but that seems to deal with non-participants. Is there any definitive rule that I can use to clarify my position if someone does push the issue on this in the future??
Just tell folks you're keeping players out of harm's way because there isn't a rule in the book. BTW, some leagues want the on-deck batter behind the batter - a safety concern.
As to OBR: The MLBUM says: "The next batter up must be in the on-deck circle, and this is the only player who should be there (i.e., not more than one player at a time). "
If you watch pro games you won't see the "in the on-deck circle" part enforced. Players wander around.