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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 20, 2002, 09:14am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 92
I have 2 situations here:

Runner on second, less than 2 outs, B1 hits a ball down the first base line. F3 runs over to make the catch then tubmles over the fence. Is this a catch if he caught the ball, but had no feet down in play? Would this be ruled a catch and carry and the runner be awarded 3rd? Is it different if he had a foot down when he caught the ball and then fell over?

Runner on second, less than 2 outs, B1 hits a rocket to center. F8 runs to the fence, catches the ball, the fence gives out, and F8 leaves the playing field (beyond the homerun fence). What is the ruling and award to R2(if there is any)?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 20, 2002, 10:00am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 276
Rule 7.04: Runner advances one base when:
(c) a fielder, after catching a fly ball,
falls into a bench, or stand, or falls
across ropes into a crowd...

Where ever he leaped from (or touched last)
is his status of being in live ball territory
(LBT) or dead ball (DBT).
It sounds like the fence in play one is on the
line, so he came from LBT, was in the air,
made the catch, then tumbled out. This is a
catch even if he touched the fence on the way over.
Since you said he "tumbled," I envisioned him
falling. Ball is dead. If he had NOT fallen down,
the ball remaims live.

I would rule play two exactly the same.
If the fielder fell, advance runner one base.
If the fielder remained on his feet, ball
is live.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 20, 2002, 10:16am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 23
That is the correct ruling. It all depends on the ability of the fielder to not "Fall".

Now there is a problem. In its infinite wisdom many leagues feel that they need to incorporate "Ground Rules", unfortunately they can change the outcome of these situations. Be sure that a league has not created there own rulings.

The book is plain and simple.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 20, 2002, 10:44am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 18,156
Originally posted by Buckeye12
I have 2 situations here:

Runner on second, less than 2 outs, B1 hits a ball down the first base line. F3 runs over to make the catch then tubmles over the fence. Is this a catch if he caught the ball, but had no feet down in play? Would this be ruled a catch and carry and the runner be awarded 3rd? Is it different if he had a foot down when he caught the ball and then fell over?

Runner on second, less than 2 outs, B1 hits a rocket to center. F8 runs to the fence, catches the ball, the fence gives out, and F8 leaves the playing field (beyond the homerun fence). What is the ruling and award to R2(if there is any)?
Marty gave the correct OBR rule.

FED -- one base award in both cases, whether the fielder fell or remained on his feet.

NCAA -- one base award in the outfield fence situation, whether the fielder fell or remained on his feet. The "fence by first base" situation is not really covered -- I'd rule it the same. Had it not been a fence, but was just DBT, then award one base if the fielder falls, or allow him to throw or return to LBT and throw, depending on the ground rules.
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