Paying For It Today...............
I'm sure I mentioned here a year ago that I messed up and bought the Spot-Bilt plate shoes with the "hard" toe. Last night I got to the park for a three game assignment only to discover that I'd managed to leave my GD's at home. I had the Spot-Bilts in the bottom of my equipment locker, and figured, what the Hell, it's only two plates tonight and I'm sure I'll be alright.
Bottom of the third inning of the first game and I'm on the stick. You guessed it, whammo, I take a foul ball right to the toe area of my right shoe. I must be a glutton for punishment, because I didn't throw the damned things away when I broke a toe the first time I got hit wearing them. I don't think anything is broken, but looking down at my foot today I discovered a whole new "Color Purple."
So, if any of you still have a pair hanging around, go and find them straight away and send them to Sanford and Sons!