Did you know that 75% of the people struck by lightning are struck with a blue-sky overhead?
The Flash-to-Bang method, whenever used correctly, may save some of the lightning strike victims. LDS provide a bit of "bang for the buck" for those victims standing beneath those blue skies. Cheap personal lightning detection systems range from $40 {10-miles}, $200 {30-miles}, up to $900 {60-miles}. A simple Radio Shack portable weather radio costs $20.
I see how the need for athletic uniforms, equipment, field and facility maintenance or repair, and utilities outweigh the need for LDS. These are more pressing concerns for small groups on a budget w/out adding communication and safety equipment . Expensive LDS were installed at country clubs {golf, swimming and tennis} a long time ago. I would expect newer facilities to have access to portable units, or access to hand-held radios in touch w/ local weather service providers.