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ctblu40 Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:14pm


Originally Posted by LLPA13UmpDan
Only for baseball season. otherwise it gets inside

Which is exactly where clips2's equiptment was. :rolleyes:

lawump Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:39pm


Originally Posted by LLPA13UmpDan
Hmm, i dont know about you, but i keep my equipment in the trunk. :rolleyes:

That's why you're "LL...Dan" and not "MiLB Dan".

See, in the minors two men (or the occasional woman) share one vehicle for an entire season (April-September). Since they don't get home during the season, they pack 5 1/2 months worth of crap into one car.

2 men + 5 1/2 months + 1 vehicle = a trunk and backseat full of stuff.

But thanks for the useful tip on using the trunk. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

To steal a line from Tee...your post ties for the dumbest post ever on the internet.

ctblu40 Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:50pm


Originally Posted by lawump
That's why you're "LL...Dan" and not "MiLB Dan".

See, in the minors two men (or the occasional woman) share one vehicle for an entire season (April-September). Since they don't get home during the season, they pack 5 1/2 months worth of crap into one car.

2 men + 5 1/2 months + 1 vehicle = a trunk and backseat full of stuff.

But thanks for the useful tip on using the trunk. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

To steal a line from Tee...your post ties for the dumbest post ever on the internet.

And this post is one of my all-time favorites! Well done!

LMan Thu Jan 11, 2007 01:06pm

Yet again, the troll chums the waters and the fish take the bait.....

Skahtboi Thu Jan 11, 2007 02:10pm


Originally Posted by greymule
In April 1968, all our team's equipment—bats, balls, catcher's equipment, helmets, etc.—was stolen during the night from our cars, which were broken into right outside our sleeping quarters at Duke University. We finished the trip with equipment borrowed from the Duke athletic department.

The case remained unsolved for almost 40 years, but now I hear that the Durham District Attorney plans to charge three hooligans named Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans with the crime. These guys' high-priced lawyers have come up with a cock and bull story that the three hadn't yet been born at the time of the theft, but the D.A. says he has a witness and promises justice.

You know...I lived in Durham at that time. Just off of the Duke campus on Trinity Avenue. However, I swear that I was nowhere near those parked cars. :rolleyes:

SanDiegoSteve Thu Jan 11, 2007 02:56pm


Originally Posted by PWL
Just because a pro school umpire told you, doesn't mean that it was right. It if was the best way, wouldn't you think that manufacturers would make them take way?

When I put my mask on, I simply pull the hat down snug and slide the harness up a litte from the very back. That works better than cutting the straps in my estimation. I think pro school was going out on his own with his chop shop detail job.

I find that it works out well the way I've always done it.

Every time I get a new mask, I cut the 3-point harness straps off. Just because the manufacturers design them this way doesn't make it right either. I have no problems whatsoever in pulling my mask off while wearing a six-stitch base hat. If you wear your mask tight on your little beanie, more power to ya. Plus, I will bet you that I am not the only one on this forum that has done this to his harness.

And the guy who told me to get rid of the useless webbing on the harness has more experience than the two of us put together, so I will go with his recommendation, not yours.

MajorDave Thu Jan 11, 2007 03:41pm

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
I think we all, or at least most of us, are bored and itchy. No baseball to discuss so we bicker a little more than usual. I know I am wishing the season would hurry up and get here. Most of my 2007 equipment purchases have arrived and I have been reading my rule books and the forums. But, please guys, try to be more civil to each other. You never know who is reading and we sometimes sound like little children with all the bickering and name calling. Please, please, please, try to respect others' opinions and stop cutting on each other. I know I am guilty of some of the bickering and it is pointless. It doesn't even make for very good reading.

JoeBlue32 Thu Jan 11, 2007 04:25pm

Getting along...

I have spent the last couple of weeks reading some of the posts out here. Often times there is some good info. Other times you wonder what in the hell people are thinking...My point is this. We are all in the same profession here. I don't understand why some of us choose to be so rude to fellow umpires. We all do things a little differently than the next guy. If you don't agree with it, there is no reason to rip him. Makes me wonder...for those of you that rip people here - are you the guys that rip you partner on the diamond to coaches, fans, etc??

bob jenkins Thu Jan 11, 2007 04:30pm

Steve --

Just my opinion, but I didn't see anything rude in most of PWL's responses in this thread, and certainly not in the first reply that you objected to. He merely has a different opinion of whether to cut off part of the harness than you do.

You can continue to cut the harness; PWL can continue to not cut the harness, and the OP can decide whether to try it (if the harness is useless anyway, s/he may want to do it).

umpbrianc Fri Jan 12, 2007 01:17am


Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
To answer the question, clips2, loosen your harness until the mask just hangs on the bill of your hat. It should be really loose, not tight like a catcher wears it.

Also, if the harness has a "Y" in it, cut out those two "Y" sections, leaving just the center strap and the band going around. More like a "T". This will eliminate the tendency of the strap to grab your hat.

The strap is just there to keep your mask from falling completely off, not to fit snugly on your head.

That is asking for trouble. Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up. Take one good foul ball with a mask loose and you will be sorry. Best way to get mask off and hat stay is practice.

mrm21711 Fri Jan 12, 2007 01:23am


Originally Posted by umpbrianc
That is asking for trouble. Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up. Take one good foul ball with a mask loose and you will be sorry. Best way to get mask off and hat stay is practice.

A mask that is loose like this will spin off, where if it is very tight much of that impact will be absorbed into your face. Im sure somebody out there has the correct terminology and theory behind it, but tight as possible and "snug" are not accurate.

GarthB Fri Jan 12, 2007 02:28am


Originally Posted by umpbrianc
That is asking for trouble. Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up.


Thanks for playing.

Johnny, tell him what his consolation prize is.

"Well folks, Umpbrian will soon be the proud recipient of a concussion!"

ozzy6900 Fri Jan 12, 2007 07:35am


Originally Posted by umpbrianc
That is asking for trouble. Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up. Take one good foul ball with a mask loose and you will be sorry. Best way to get mask off and hat stay is practice.

No, umpbrianc, what you are saying is asking for trouble. I concur with Garth in that if the mask is too tight, your face will be the shock absorber, not the pads! This is very bad advice!

Your mask is your first and only line of defense! If the mask needs to move to absorb the impact, you must let it or you will be very sorry. Your face cannot absorb that kind of impact without something going terribly wrong. Think of it as the way engineers design an automobile to crumple around and away from the passenger area. It is better to let the force go away from you rather than let it all come to you.

Dave Hensley Fri Jan 12, 2007 08:29am


Originally Posted by umpbrianc
That is asking for trouble. Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up. Take one good foul ball with a mask loose and you will be sorry. Best way to get mask off and hat stay is practice.

As others have noted, your advice is 100% wrong. Teaching to wear a mask loosely (and the physics behind that advice) is umpiring 101, common knowledge among veteran umpires and standard instruction in every clinic from Little League to the pro schools.

What umpire training have you had?

Tim C Fri Jan 12, 2007 08:57am

Umpbrainc incorrectly intoned:

"Your mask should fit snugly and should not rely on your hat to hold it up. Take one good foul ball with a mask loose and you will be sorry. Best way to get mask off and hat stay is practice."

I can put up with dumb posts . . . I can't put up with DANGEROUS posts.

Please ignore brian's advice. Masks should be worn so they lightly rest on your face. If struck by a foul ball or pitch the mask SHOULD spin or fly off your head. That is the correct way to wear a mask.

One Rule ~ One Interpretation ~ One Mechanic

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