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Chris_Hickman Mon Aug 21, 2006 06:50pm

I watched about an hour of the Lake Charles game today and I must say, the HPU had a recent zone. There were some great pitches that he balled though and the catcher and the pitcher for the New England team let him know it! The pitcher was making some physical gestures [ like where's that pitch]. The plate guy never said a word....not me baby.....I'm not a red-***, but I gonna clean off the plate and tell the catcher to tell his buddy to knock the crap off or he can watch the rest of the game from the ping-pong rec room!! haha Chris

ctblu40 Mon Aug 21, 2006 09:11pm

Just finished watching the OR-MO game. PU seemed to be keeping the status-quo. I must say though, early in the game he did head down the line on a ground ball to the infield.

However, he needs to cut the straps on his mask. He looked like a 70's style TV antenna!:D

SanDiegoSteve Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:58pm


Originally Posted by PWL
I'll put it to you like this. I was invited to and participated in the prestigious Texas Relays in the 330 yard intermediate hurdles. That same year, I also returned to Austin to compete in both relay events that they had at that time. The 440 relay and 1,600 relay. Back then events were in yards. That was my junior year. My senior year I wasn't so lucky because of a detached ligament in my ankle. I qualified for regionals in the hurdles, but declined to go so the third place finisher could go compete because I wasn't in shape and my times were nowhere close to my standards. So if you if you consider yourself in that class, then you are truly as special as you claim.

I was also timed in 4.6 in the forty running in ordinary football shoes on a grass field.

So, this was what 32, 33 years ago? What does that have to do with now. I could run pretty fast too. I did happen to Major in Physical Education in college, and was proficient in 12 different sports. I've ran track events, including the high hurdles, the 440 individual, and the 880 relay. I took Coaching Track And Field at SDSU at age 28, and was required to perform every track and field event, including pole vault, hammer, and shot put. I have worked as an official at 10K's and 1/2 marathons here in San Diego (I would certainly expire if I tried to run in one!).

Now, I'm sure you were much faster than I was, but I was by NO MEANS SLOW, and I'm not slow now, either.

BTW, can you still throw better than Mike, because he just gunned down a runner stealing 2nd, and it reminded me to ask?

ctblu40 Tue Aug 22, 2006 03:26pm

The PU working the AZ-NY game sure is jumpy. On high pitches he practically dives into a foxhole!


SanDiegoSteve Wed Aug 23, 2006 02:27pm

This catcher from Venezuela sure complains a lot about balls and strikes. Looks like the pitcher is a little whiner too. They both want pitches a foot outside to be called strikes, and they throw their hands up in disgust and stomp around when they don't get the calls. Oh, now the pitcher is crying as he leaves the mound. Yeah, that 2-run homer you served up was the umpire's fault too. I hope Mexico cleans their clock.

Chris_Hickman Wed Aug 23, 2006 03:23pm

Why are these plate guys/gal puttin' up with these kids? Tellum to "knock it off" or get out! IMO

ctblu40 Wed Aug 23, 2006 03:58pm


Originally Posted by Chris_Hickman
Why are these plate guys/gal puttin' up with these kids? Tellum to "knock it off" or get out! IMO

I was wondering the same thing. To their defense, if I don't speak their language and they don't speak english... what could you do? I agree that under normal circumstances... I have a few words for them as I clean the plate. But if they can't understand me, what then?

WhatWuzThatBlue Wed Aug 23, 2006 05:31pm

Since the other thread was closed - Slap Part Deux - the Recap:

Garth sez "No" - never, ever, ever should a grown man slap a 12 year old in the face.

Many others claim that while the coach acted reprehensibly, there are times when such a typically inappropriate measure may be warranted.

If the youth is threatening violence against another person, has just spit in your face, insulted a dying relative, threatens to give away a costly secret or otherwise undermines the rational authority of an adult, corrective physical measures may be in order. "May" is a modal verb and if you are unclear as to its meaning, look it up.

Domestic violence is an issue in the world. Child abuse is maddening. The case we were discussing was neither.

Thank you Bob for being objective, but you should have closed the thread after your comment.

NFump Wed Aug 23, 2006 07:41pm

I think you're right WWTB. Shouldn't have hijacked this thread but you're right. No, hell isn't freezing over either.

Omaha Oscar Wed Aug 23, 2006 07:48pm

Last night I watched the Ven. / Saudi game...... I thought if music broke out during the inning the HP umpire would have fit right in !!....He did more dancing then umpiring !!.....No Mechanic was the same more then 1 time in over a dozen calls......delayed calls for left hand batters.....Quick calls for right handers...... This young kids daddy must be the reason he's there !!!

Omaha Oscar Wed Aug 23, 2006 08:12pm

Watching the Oregon / Illinois game..... in the bottom of the 5th.....HP ump looks pretty solid.....the only thing I saw i don't like is the shooting strike... (strike call hand, thumb up and first finger extended rest of fingers curled up.)

SanDiegoSteve Wed Aug 23, 2006 08:33pm

Seen several MLB umpires do the same thing. Tom Hallion used to many years ago when working the scissors.

ctblu40 Wed Aug 23, 2006 08:37pm


Originally Posted by Omaha Oscar
Watching the Oregon / Illinois game..... in the bottom of the 5th.....HP ump looks pretty solid.....the only thing I saw i don't like is the shooting strike... (strike call hand, thumb up and first finger extended rest of fingers curled up.)

This is the way I call a strike... except for two points:
1) My thumb isn't as stiff (ie sticking straight up) as his
2) I verbalize as I make the mechanic, not before.

SanDiegoSteve Wed Aug 23, 2006 08:38pm


Originally Posted by ctblu40
I was wondering the same thing. To their defense, if I don't speak their language and they don't speak english... what could you do? I agree that under normal circumstances... I have a few words for them as I clean the plate. But if they can't understand me, what then?

They understand pretty well, and if they don't, I speak their language, and will if I absolutely have to. No means no in both languages.

SanDiegoSteve Wed Aug 23, 2006 08:39pm

It looks like Oregon is trying to give the game away here! High drama!!!

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