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TriggerMN Wed Jun 14, 2006 03:31pm

Using left hand for some mechanics
A guy who I work with recently told me he got dinged at the state tournament last year for this...

When asking the first base umpire in the A slot on a check swing, or when awarding a hit batter first base, should the home plate umpire use his [I]left[I] hand when pointing towards the base? He said his evaluator told him to use the left hand so that it wasn't misconstrued as a strike call. It was the first time I had ever heard this...has anyone know if this is a correct mechanic?

johnnyg08 Wed Jun 14, 2006 03:33pm

to my knowledge it is the correct mechanic along with verbally asking your partner

Rich Wed Jun 14, 2006 03:56pm


Originally Posted by TriggerMN
A guy who I work with recently told me he got dinged at the state tournament last year for this...

When asking the first base umpire in the A slot on a check swing, or when awarding a hit batter first base, should the home plate umpire use his [I]left[I] hand when pointing towards the base? He said his evaluator told him to use the left hand so that it wasn't misconstrued as a strike call. It was the first time I had ever heard this...has anyone know if this is a correct mechanic?

Pretty standard stuff, yes.

officialtony Wed Jun 14, 2006 03:56pm

I have been instructed to use the left hand to request information from my partner and to award bases on balls for the very reason you stated. It seems moot, but it is supposed tp prevent anyone from misconstruing your signal as a strike or an out. I have always done it that way without any comment positive or adverse to using it.

Rich Wed Jun 14, 2006 04:01pm


Originally Posted by officialtony
I have been instructed to use the left hand to request information from my partner and to award bases on balls for the very reason you stated. It seems moot, but it is supposed tp prevent anyone from misconstruing your signal as a strike or an out. I have always done it that way without any comment positive or adverse to using it.

Do you also say, "Take your base?"

When you say "BALL FOUR" everyone knows what you're saying. There's no need to point on this and actually makes you look like a Smitty.

RPatrino Wed Jun 14, 2006 04:10pm

Rich, that along with yelling " foul ball" on screamers into the backstop!! (or is that a "foul tip" into the backstop")?

Rich Wed Jun 14, 2006 04:23pm


Originally Posted by RPatrino
Rich, that along with yelling " foul ball" on screamers into the backstop!! (or is that a "foul tip" into the backstop")?

I don't even signal a foul unless a call has to be made. It slows me up in getting a ball into the catcher's hand.

briancurtin Wed Jun 14, 2006 07:23pm

i agree with rich, and catchers love it when the ball is already in their hand when they reach back for it.

also, this topic was covered before and some people, for some reason, still think you should make ALL calls with your right hand no matter what happens ever in the world. ill stick to the standard of pointing to my partner with my left.

GarthB Wed Jun 14, 2006 07:44pm


Originally Posted by TriggerMN
A guy who I work with recently told me he got dinged at the state tournament last year for this...

When asking the first base umpire in the A slot on a check swing, or when awarding a hit batter first base, should the home plate umpire use his [I]left[I] hand when pointing towards the base? He said his evaluator told him to use the left hand so that it wasn't misconstrued as a strike call. It was the first time I had ever heard this...has anyone know if this is a correct mechanic?

When getting help from BU, use your left hand. But why is he using any hand when awarding first on the HBP? Do batters in your area forget where first is?

Rich Wed Jun 14, 2006 08:49pm


Originally Posted by GarthB
When getting help from BU, use your left hand. But why is he using any hand when awarding first on the HBP? Do batters in your area forget where first is?

Actually, this is one place I do point. And so do the guys on TV. It tells the others that a batter was hit and that's not always obvious.

GarthB Wed Jun 14, 2006 08:52pm


Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Actually, this is one place I do point. And so do the guys on TV. It tells the others that a batter was hit and that's not always obvious.

I point, too, after calling time, but at the batter, as I was taught, not at first base.

Dave Hensley Wed Jun 14, 2006 09:47pm


Originally Posted by GarthB
I point, too, after calling time, but at the batter, as I was taught, not at first base.

I think I learned it as, handle an HBP just like any other dead ball award - by pointing to the base being awarded. A base on balls is a live ball award, hence, no pointing.

BigUmp56 Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:00pm

While we're on the subject. Do you point at a check swing or bunt attempt with your right or left hand, or do you not point at all? I was taught to point at the area in front of the plate while verbalizing "yes, he did." I use my right hand but I would be curious to see what you all think.


briancurtin Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:05pm

i go with the left one on that

Rich Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:55pm


Originally Posted by BigUmp56
While we're on the subject. Do you point at a check swing or bunt attempt with your right or left hand, or do you not point at all? I was taught to point at the area in front of the plate while verbalizing "yes, he did." I use my right hand but I would be curious to see what you all think.


The mechanic I learned is to point using the hand on the side of the plate as the batter -- point using the left hand for a righthanded batter and using the right hand for a lefthanded batter.

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