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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 09:57am
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So, Tim C


In your last "blog" entry, you made the following comment:

Crossing a picket line of a strike is neither a moral or an ethical decision. It is nothing more than a business decision.

I disagree.

I would "scab" for FAR less money than I am being paid. Indeed, I would not work PCL games for free, but, I would not work ANY level of baseball for free.

Indeed, my decision to "scab" wasn't based on morals or ethics in any direct way.

Simply, it is an opportunity of a lifetime to umpire the best baseball I will ever get to umpire.

It is also a chance for me to get an idea of how good I currently am, and how good I might have become had I made different decisions many years ago concerning my umpiring career.

I just thought you should know.

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#9 Yesterday, 06:39am
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When the regular umps come back, I am SURE we will never see a call they make contested!

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#10 Yesterday, 07:58am
Tim C
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Well let's see:

I don't write a "blog" . . . I write a column which I am paid for.

Also, I don't understand your point other than attempting to clarifiy the "whys" of your decision to work. My column is VERY clear that all information about deciding to work (or not) is about my personal decision.

Last if you would read the entire column and just not the tease you might understand what the column is about and my position. You would also find that I criticize both the striking umpires and the replacement umpires: however that would take effort on your part and you rather sit back, hide behind a screen name and take shots . . . that's OK it just keeps my name and column in people's minds.

Again, I recognize that I probably work games with you in Portland . . . and that you are the source of complaint to our mutal assignor . . . for that I am sad.

I have copied and pasted PDX's comments on this thread prior to yours Tim.
I cannot for the life of me find a "personal attack" that you claimed he started. I think he wrote a well thought out rebuttal to your article or Column or blog or whatever, I find that you got very defensive and took a shot at his integrity re. reading the column and then claiming he is attacking you in portland with the ump in chief, or that he is a bad umpire that constantly gets complaints I can't tell. I think you have over reacted to this Tim.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:06am
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Originally Posted by pdxblue
In your last "blog" entry, you made the following comment:
Originally Posted by pdxblue
They pay you? My oh my......
Originally Posted by pdxblue
So, if you meant that statement as your reason, then you didn't make that very clear at all. I am fairly well used to your comments not being very clear in their meaning.

Maybe you should have read between the lines. You would have found these three veiled insults that were unnecessary. If he just wanted to state an opposing point of view he should have left out the comments about Tim's ability to write as a professional. No, he came here looking for a personal fight, and like a little girl he chooses to hide behind an Intenet alias. I have little tolerance for cowards.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:21am
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Who's the fool?

Originally Posted by JIGGY
You speak as if there were some qualifications for scabs who were to work this season. I watched a little league umpire with no high school or college experience work a AAA game just the other day, .
I doubt very seriously if that is true. In fact I think it qualifies as a lie.

Originally Posted by JIGGY
To say you wanted to see if you are "good enough" is a joke. You aren't doing the real job, and even with that aren't doing well.

Why would you say he's not doing the real job? If he's on the field and getting paid it seems pretty real. Though you are certainly entitled to your opinion, usually the opinion that counts is the employers.

Originally Posted by JIGGY
If anything, getting such a phone call is really proof positive that you are not good enough to work that level of ball. How many phone calls did you receive last season to come work in the minor leagues?
Who determines who is and who isn't qualified? The umpires or the employers?
Last year the owners had a different method of selecting their umpires. The selection process has changed for the moment. You can have an opinion on the process, but your opinion apparently has no impact.

Originally Posted by JIGGY
If you want to find out if you are good enough, sack up and go to Florida in January. Spend the money, the time away from home, the bad hotel room, bad food, aching muscles, etc. to see where you come out. Bottom line, you know you don't have it in you. and a fool you really are.
The only good umpires in the entire country are only the ones who have gone to FL?
You talk like umpiring is equivalent to brain surgery. It's not
It's a worthy avocation for many, and probably a very fulfilling vocation for a few. It certainly takes time, energy, experience and drive to be good but going to school in FL is not a prerequisite to being capable.
Is a little league umpire a fool for wanting to ump HS? Is a HS varsity ump a fool for wanting to try the college level?
Why would an accomplished varsity or college ump be a fool for wanting to try his hand at the professional level?

Originally Posted by JIGGY
. But you didn't, and now you are trying to justify being a person with no integrity and poor character. You are willing to hurt a fellow man in blue, one that did have the guts to put it all on the line to pursue the dream, just so you can ease the pain of being a coward who never stepped up to take his shot at making it. If you have chosen to scab, fine, but you should do so quietly and in shame. Bragging about having accomplished something by working as a scab just highlights what a coward and a fool you really are.
How many HS games are the "pros" taking from the peasants?
Do the MiLB guys feel shame in taking games at the local level?
Because we don't have a union it's ok for them to come feed at our table, but replacements are scabs for going to their table?
It seems to me that they're striking because they don't have the guts to put it all on the line. They want the pursuit of the dream to be easier.

Who are you to try and put shame on a man pursuing his avocation?
There is no cowardice, shame or foolishness in umpiring a professional baseball game, instead, I'm sure it is a thrill of a lifetime for the replacements.
In the corporate world, if the guy above you gets peeved off and quits because he's not making enough, do you advocate that no one take the now vacant position in support of your "fellow" worker? I don't think so.
The replacement ump, unlike the union ump is on his own, lives or dies by his own deeds, doesn't have a union to file a grievance with when the soda pops aren't cold enough after the game. There is no cowardice in that.
In terms of foolishness, one man is living his dream relative to umpiring, another is watching from the cheap seats. Who's the foolish one?

Last edited by ATI62; Thu May 18, 2006 at 11:42am.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:26am
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Business/ Ego all the same

Originally Posted by pdxblue
And to touch on the original subject again, which was WHY "I" crossed the picket line.

If it was a "business decision" on my part, it was a VERY poor one! On afternoon games, I pretty much can't work that day, and I make about 1/3 to 1/4 doing the game as I would working my regular job! Business is about money, and in essense, Tim C is saying I crossed the picket line for money.

That is not true.
Tim might call it business, I call it ego and every good umpire has one.

However, I did find it quite interesting that you wanted to work these games to see if you are qualified?

That should not be a question for an umpire who is qualified - you would KNOW if you were able to work these games.

As you find working up the ladder, there's not a lot of difference, its all about pleasing the higher ups and dealing with the coaches and players.

As far as calling the games, I find its a lot easier to call higher levels than to call say HS or small college.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:31am
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I was with you up to the "union mans a coward" part.

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:40am
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
I was with you up to the "union mans a coward" part.

That was a bit over the top.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 11:41am
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Originally Posted by David B
As far as calling the games, I find its a lot easier to call higher levels than to call say HS or small college.
Yes, this is exactly the point. It is much easier to work higher levels of baseball. It's easier to work HS than to work Pony League or Little League. The higher the level, the better the pitching, catching, and defense.

I would love the legitimate opportunity to set up behind a Mike Piazza, for instance, rather than the catchers I get that just let the ball hit me every other pitch. I wouldn't even blink, much less flinch as I have seen some pros do. I have umpired many of today's major league star pitchers, so I know I can handle big league pitching no problem. And except for the occasional bang-bang play, the calls on the bases nearly call themselves at the top level. What a joy it would be to not have a nut-cutter on every other play!

ATI62 echos my viewpoint on the subject. It is not rocket science, and the schools in Florida are not the only way to become an excellent umpire. Some umpires have 1 year of experience 20 times, but some of us have 20 or more solid years of good experience, and are not the Smitties that guys like Jiggy seem to think we are.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 01:17pm
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Maybe you should have read between the lines. You would have found these three veiled insults that were unnecessary. If he just wanted to state an opposing point of view he should have left out the comments about Tim's ability to write as a professional. No, he came here looking for a personal fight, and like a little girl he chooses to hide behind an Intenet alias. I have little tolerance for cowards.


Umm to call something a Blog is not a personal attack. It was giving his column a different title. A blog is not a bad thing. The rest of the commments occured after Tim attacked his integrity. He came on here and said in your ... this is my opinion. Tim overreacted to the Word Blog and made a fool of himself and attacked the poster, who then responded in kind. There a many many more qualified writers who have Blog's it is not a slam or a dig in anyway. But obviously you Tim's felt it was. Sadly you are wrong.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 01:33pm
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This jerk apparently knows Tim. That tells me that he knows Tim is a columnist. Maybe had he not put the word blog in quotation marks I would agree with you. But, for him to put that kind of emphasis on the word smacks of an insult. It would be like me asking you if you support your family with that "job" you have.

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 01:56pm
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Originally Posted by Tim C
"Strikes & Outs" is arguably the oldest column of any type on the internet)
Say hi to AL for me.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 02:16pm
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Whatever, I think if Tim was the Better person he often claims he is he would have ignored it and not looked at it like an insult. Blog's are all the rage now, and many wonderful people have them, Tim could have easily looked at it that way. But his reaction to the supposed insult is well over the top. And went much further than one should have. Even having said it is a column not a blog would have sufficed, the rest was a personal attack that was really unwarrented. Most top writers love to have people debate their writings, I think that he felt the need to respond showed equally that he respects the writing as the " " marks would show the opposite.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 02:25pm
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Originally Posted by ATI62
I doubt very seriously if that is true. In fact I think it qualifies as a lie.

NOPE gonna go watch him again tonight.

Why would you say he's not doing the real job? If he's on the field and getting paid it seems pretty real. Though you are certainly entitled to your opinion, usually the opinion that counts is the employers.

Read my explaination in another post. The circumstances aren't even close to the same and yet the scabs are still not able to keep up.

Who determines who is and who isn't qualified? The umpires or the employers?
Last year the owners had a different method of selecting their umpires. The selection process has changed for the moment. You can have an opinion on the process, but your opinion apparently has no impact.

It is minor league baseball who has set the standards met by those who attend umpire school and make it through the PBUC eval course, the job hasn't suddenly changed, nor has the expected level of performance. MiLB is putting up with the scabs as a means to an end.

The only good umpires in the entire country are only the ones who have gone to FL?
You talk like umpiring is equivalent to brain surgery. It's not
It's a worthy avocation for many, and probably a very fulfilling vocation for a few. It certainly takes time, energy, experience and drive to be good but going to school in FL is not a prerequisite to being capable.
Is a little league umpire a fool for wanting to ump HS? Is a HS varsity ump a fool for wanting to try the college level?
Why would an accomplished varsity or college ump be a fool for wanting to try his hand at the professional level?

By all means, if a guy wants to work pro ball, GO FOR IT. But that isn't what we are talking about. If I want to get a job at a bank, I have to meet the minimum requirements for the position and must go through the interview and training process. Scabbing isn't "taking your shot" it's a selfish attempt to boost your ego by working games you aren't trained for didn't interview for and aren't qualified for. If you want to get into the game, GO EARN THE RIGHT TO BE THERE!

How many HS games are the "pros" taking from the peasants?
Do the MiLB guys feel shame in taking games at the local level?
Because we don't have a union it's ok for them to come feed at our table, but replacements are scabs for going to their table?
It seems to me that they're striking because they don't have the guts to put it all on the line. They want the pursuit of the dream to be easier.

... that is just an ignorant arguement which makes no sense whatsoever...

Who are you to try and put shame on a man pursuing his avocation?
There is no cowardice, shame or foolishness in umpiring a professional baseball game, instead, I'm sure it is a thrill of a lifetime for the replacements.
In the corporate world, if the guy above you gets peeved off and quits because he's not making enough, do you advocate that no one take the now vacant position in support of your "fellow" worker? I don't think so.
The replacement ump, unlike the union ump is on his own, lives or dies by his own deeds, doesn't have a union to file a grievance with when the soda pops aren't cold enough after the game. There is no cowardice in that.
In terms of foolishness, one man is living his dream relative to umpiring, another is watching from the cheap seats. Who's the foolish one?
"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. "

-Benjamin Franklin
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 02:32pm
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Originally Posted by PWL

Well here's your big chance to put up or shut up. Go find a minor league team that is looking for the best "scab" umpire avaliable and sign up for duty. I don't want hear any of your whiny excuses either. Talk the talk, walk the walk. Or are you just another Internet Charlie?
Perhaps instead of walking and talking so much you should hone up your reading comprehension skills.
As I read SDS post he said he'd like to be behind the plate with Mike Piazza.
When Mike gets sent down maybe your whining may have some validity.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 02:38pm
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Originally Posted by JIGGY

My letters are bigger than your letters

Sorry jiggy I was being sarcastic and didn't realize you actually responded.
I take it back
until I read the response

Last edited by NIump50; Thu May 18, 2006 at 02:46pm.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 18, 2006, 03:02pm
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Originally Posted by JIGGY
I must say that after reading your responses I can only surmise that you are blinded by rage and anger because your arguments are so ridiculous only a madman can think they are credible.
I'm sure under normal circumstances you are much smarter than this.

Couple quick examples.
If I go to the bank for a job and they hire me, I apparently have the proper credentials. duh
The job the replacements are doing is exactly the same job the "scabs"* were doing.

Yes minor league baseball has set the standard for their umpires. Those that meet the standard are working daily.

I loved the response regarding your blatent lie. Since you are going to watch him again tonight that makes it true. Ok I buy it. If you go watch a third time I'd believe he was a German soccer player pulled off the field to ump AAA.

*Those former MiLB umps now taking work from the peasants
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