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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 04, 2005, 10:48pm
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Posts: 6
Hey, we have another batter!

His quote: "( Nobody said umpires don't have tendencies.)"

Oh, but they did, which is why I mentioned it. Perhaps you should stretch your brain far enough to read the entirity of the thread (or even the entirity of my comment).

What kcs_hiker said: "it's kind of a dumb question... every umpire is going to call the strike zone defined by the rules as consistently as possible."

In other words, no tendencies. Just a strict obedience to the rules, the very questioning of which, is, in his (her?) words is: "kind of a dumb question."

But to understand that without him saying "umpires don't have tendencies" in bold, capital letters, you would actually have to employ interpretive thought. I know, it hurts the head to do think that way. Try morphine...dulls the pain...

(this is great! Since no one here has a shred of decency or courtesy, I can see what it's like to be a total prick for myself! **** courtesy! **** decency! **** manners, reason, and friendliness! Maybe that's why fools like you enjoy places like this!!!!)

Next comment: "( Maybe you should contact the "mob".I'm sure they have all the info you can stand.)"

I have no idea what this means. You found it an important point, though. I don't know that it proves or disproves anything, but it was a nice shot!

Next comment: "( All levels of umpires are discussed here.Maybe when you ask for info from people you don't know,perhaps you should be just a touch more specific. )"

A recurring theme! Very good, guys! Disregard any original thought! Just get pissed and stay pissed! And if three people say something, by god, jump on board! Strength in numbers!

No one seems to understand, "hey, do you know of an information site on umpires?" Not clear enough for this site. Apparently I caused great animosity by my lack of clarity. I can see how a question that ridiculous, that horrendous, that insulting, could get this little forum all fired up!

And besides, the Longwood Lumber team lost the C+ men's softball league this season. Yep, that would piss me off, too.

Drop it! It's a stupid argument! Reasonable people in a decent forum would have replied: "Are you looking for specific umpires?" or "yes, I have info on umpires. Which ones are you looking for?" or "Sorry, don't know of any sites about that". Or they would have replied nothing at all!!!!!

But in this forum, such a simple response does not seem possible. The initial response was, instead, bizarre, and vaguely homosexual.

Next comment: "(And if you think you know more about calling balls and strikes than most folks here,I'd love to come out to the park to watch you work.)"

Again and again, I have no idea what that means or what it has to do with anything.

Okay, man, you call a mean game of high school ball. Whatever. That has nothing to do with my question, but I'm sure it will rally your troops on this site to your side. Maybe you can find some other people to call me "*******!" because you call a hell of a game of balls and strikes.


And your last comment: " Hostility? You don't know from hostility.I would recommend reading any post by "rulesgeek", "dudeinblue",or several others.They've seen true hostility,full force.)"

Again and again and again, I have no idea what that means (further, I don't this some war reference? Don't answer....please, don't answer), but I guess you showed me!

It's been fun, dudes! This is, honestly, the first forum I've ever asked a question on in my whole life. It's vaguely Simpson-esque, reminding me of the comic book store guy, writing asinine, pseudo-knowledgeable commentary to other nameless, faceless, jackass writers of the forum-world, getting all pissed off, giving his 'livingrooom wisdom' to cyberspace.

Carry on. Games are over today. Hope you all enjoy the playoffs. Great time of year.

I'm going to get some sleep. Please, yell at me some more. It will give me something to do while I watch the games tomorrow.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 04, 2005, 11:00pm
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With this idiot, we don't need Windy any more.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 04, 2005, 11:03pm
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Sorry, one more:

I just got told I was an idiot because this was a site for amateur officials who don't care how the MLB calls balls and strikes.

Great! Love it. I love how no one has been able to comprehend the whole thread. I love the "one line and out" approach.

Seriously, guys, no more. The more you write, the more I have to respond. Do yourselves a favor and stop. It all may wind up in a book someday.

And for you, amateur sports official reprsentative, I did not know that the site was designed for that. Anyone could have responded and said as much in a decent way.

But I suppose after losing the Jimmy's Trucking Southwind title of '94, you have some animosity!


Can you take a joke?

No, I'm sure you can't.

Goodnight, goodbye forever. Ump away, me boyz! I'm done with this moronic nonsense for real. It's very addicting, but this is a painful waste of my time.

You can all rest now. You won't have to hear from me again. Ump well, ump strong, ump fast and true!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 07:05am
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Quote Phumbum
"You won't have to hear from me again."

Hopefully the third time saying this is a charm.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 07:34am
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Ex-softball players? You're an idiot. This is a forum for amateur sports officials. Most of us don't give a crap how ML umpires call balls and strikes.
Hey hey hey Rich.....I care how they call it....I figure if I can pick up a few pointers it might help me get where I want to go umpiring. But what you're referring to, the tendencies to call balls vs strikes, no I don't give a ****.

Is there an ignore button on this forum? I'm sure some people have wanted to use it against me but I think we all need it now.
Throwing people out of a game is like riding a bike- once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun.- Ron Luciano
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 07:42am
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 08:25am
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didnt we answer this?

Im sorry if I'm missing this, but I think I answered his question?........ I believe I said that if it was MLB he was looking for that the Vegas sports books have a reference tool that tracks home plate umpire tendencies... and that he should look there....

I know I added my 2 cents about not getting rich betting on the umpires, but I felt that response answered his question......maybe not to his satisfaction, but not being a betting man, its the best I can do.....

a quick google search brings up a number of betting sites mentioning MLB umpire he look there....

[Edited by piaa_ump on Oct 5th, 2005 at 09:29 AM]
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 03:52pm
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Originally posted by piaa_ump
Cant imagine anyone getting rich betting on baseball from who is behind the plate.....
i have a friend who used to bet on baseball, and read up on umpire scouting reports from some gambling site. he did factor umpires into account at times, depending on who was pitching and where they were at, the umpire's scouting supposedly helped him.

i should note, though, that he no longer does it since he lost quite a bit of money haha. he was "rich" for a little bit though, as many gamblers are at some point.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 04:25pm
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Man, to think I thought Dumbdrum, Dorkinblue, and Rulesgeek were the most idiotic morons surfing the umpiring boards!

I find it hard to believe that there are people stupid enough to believe that the tendencies of a MLB umpire have a direct effect on the outcome of a baseball game.


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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 05:32pm
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Originally posted by phumbeutel33
Sorry, one more:

I just got told I was an idiot because this was a site for amateur officials who don't care how the MLB calls balls and strikes.

Great! Love it. I love how no one has been able to comprehend the whole thread. I love the "one line and out" approach.

Seriously, guys, no more. The more you write, the more I have to respond. Do yourselves a favor and stop. It all may wind up in a book someday.

And for you, amateur sports official reprsentative, I did not know that the site was designed for that. Anyone could have responded and said as much in a decent way.

But I suppose after losing the Jimmy's Trucking Southwind title of '94, you have some animosity!


Can you take a joke?

No, I'm sure you can't.

Goodnight, goodbye forever. Ump away, me boyz! I'm done with this moronic nonsense for real. It's very addicting, but this is a painful waste of my time.

You can all rest now. You won't have to hear from me again. Ump well, ump strong, ump fast and true!
And the board falls further & further.....
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 08:00pm
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If I may, The individual who submitted a request was looking for an easy way to find an answer to his rather ambigous question. What I saw was an excuse not to do any work himself but rather to "pick the brains" of individuals in this forum.. I say to him (or her) the work and you'll be satisfied with the answer...Don't do the work and you'll get what you deserve...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 06, 2005, 11:11am
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Originally posted by mattmets
Originally posted by phumbeutel33
Great site. Glad I joined to ask a question. Class acts on here, I see. I think I'll cancel now. Idiot.
funny you say this, I figured you would respond with a full game schedule, airline ticket numbers, and every crew's rental-car preferences
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 06, 2005, 04:09pm
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Originally posted by LMan
Originally posted by mattmets
Originally posted by phumbeutel33
Great site. Glad I joined to ask a question. Class acts on here, I see. I think I'll cancel now. Idiot.
funny you say this, I figured you would respond with a full game schedule, airline ticket numbers, and every crew's rental-car preferences
I don't care who you are,that's funny !
All generalizations are bad. - R.H. Grenier
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 06, 2005, 05:06pm
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Talking Step out, batter.

I step away for a few days and you guys start having so much fun!

Perhaps our new friend could call their wives and get the goods on these guys - I'm sure they have all discussed something as intimate as their strike zones, with their wives. I know a great strike call gives me a... ... power surge.

If you figure out their predilections for balls/strikes etc. I would also like to know what are some of their favorite foods; what do they like to eat, ....

so I can avoid them and stay a little slimmer!

And we all know that when it comes to a marginal pitch, strike or ball, it depends upon who is batting!
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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