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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 12:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 778
I got conned into a few JV games this summer and had a couple of questions. I think I already know the answers but humor me.
Sitch 1: Pitch bounces off the dirt and then strikes the batter in the shin. He still gets first base right?
Sitch 2: Throw coming in from outfield rolling behind runner trying to score...catcher comes near the baseline bending to pick up ball about three feet before the plate, runner does not slide and there is contact with the catcher...after calling him safe there was a protest and after conferencing with BOTH coaches and the runners coach admitting he should have been called out I changed my call to 'out'. I told him I wanted the call to be right and he reluctantly agreed. Did I , eventually, get this right and what exactly is the rule on the runner sliding. I have been told that the runner must 'avoid contact' and if that means sliding then he must slide?
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 12:43pm
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Originally posted by devdog69
I got conned into a few JV games this summer and had a couple of questions. I think I already know the answers but humor me.
Sitch 1: Pitch bounces off the dirt and then strikes the batter in the shin. He still gets first base right?
Sitch 2: Throw coming in from outfield rolling behind runner trying to score...catcher comes near the baseline bending to pick up ball about three feet before the plate, runner does not slide and there is contact with the catcher...after calling him safe there was a protest and after conferencing with BOTH coaches and the runners coach admitting he should have been called out I changed my call to 'out'. I told him I wanted the call to be right and he reluctantly agreed. Did I , eventually, get this right and what exactly is the rule on the runner sliding. I have been told that the runner must 'avoid contact' and if that means sliding then he must slide?
Sitch1. Right

Sitch2: Not being there, I would say it sounds like you are 2 for 2.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 12:48pm
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Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by devdog69
I got conned into a few JV games this summer and had a couple of questions. I think I already know the answers but humor me.
Sitch 1: Pitch bounces off the dirt and then strikes the batter in the shin. He still gets first base right?
Sitch 2: Throw coming in from outfield rolling behind runner trying to score...catcher comes near the baseline bending to pick up ball about three feet before the plate, runner does not slide and there is contact with the catcher...after calling him safe there was a protest and after conferencing with BOTH coaches and the runners coach admitting he should have been called out I changed my call to 'out'. I told him I wanted the call to be right and he reluctantly agreed. Did I , eventually, get this right and what exactly is the rule on the runner sliding. I have been told that the runner must 'avoid contact' and if that means sliding then he must slide?
Sitch1. Right

Sitch2: Not being there, I would say it sounds like you are 2 for 2.

You are now qualified to move up.
Basically right, need to avoid. Slide around, under, turn around and go back to 3rd, basicially anything but running into the catcher. If contact is malicious enough, dump him.

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 02:14pm
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Posts: 778
That brings another question to my mind. I had a game end like this...catcher is blocking the plate and the runner comes in hard and slides into the catcher...he slid but there was still significant contact...the ball got by and I called him safe thinking that since he slid it was alright...right or wrong?
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 05:56pm
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In your first post.

Sitch 1: dead right

Sitch 2: Hard to say because you didn't supply necessary details regarding the play. From your description, I would be inclined to say that your original "safe" call was correct and your subsequent reversal to "out" was incorrect. Key questions: Did the catcher have posession of the ball at the time of the collision or was he still trying to gain posession of the non-quality throw. Who intitiated the collision, runner or catcher? From your description this could have easily been ruled Obstruction on the catcher. The runner is never required to slide under FED rules (although it is an option for him to do so).

Sitch 3: (recent post immediately above). As long as the slide was legal, the runner is fine - even if the slide results in a collision which knocks the ball loose from the catcher.

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