I understand that catcher obs is a delayed dead ball. So, lets say we have R3 and R2. R3 is stealing home, catcher steps forward to recieve pitch prior to reaching the plate. BR makes no attempt at interfering with catcher. Ball and R3 arrive at plate about the same time, PU declares catcher obs. R2 is not stealing third. Ball is dislodged from catcher by sliding R3. Ball rolls into DBT. Now, do we award R2 home and BR second?
Also, lets say ball rolls away from catcher, he retrieves ball, R2 decides to try and advance. Catcher throws to third in time to tag out R2 at third. Runner is out since he was advancing at his own risk, correct?
Just thought about my original situation. Ball is coming from pitcher, so would we have a two base award or a one base award? If so, where do we place R2 and BR, third and first? BR has already been awarded first because of the obs, does he recieve an additional award for the ball going into DBT?
[Edited by scyguy on Apr 1st, 2005 at 10:03 AM]