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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 31, 2000, 07:17am
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Carl and Warren have made very logical cases, but lets go back to the original play.

F1 cleanly fielded the ball and cleanly fielded to first.

Giving the BR first base and R1 second presupposes that the defense WILL err on the play, which I think is almost as bad as presupposing the defense will NOT err.

Carl disagrees, but I think the compromise ruling, FOR THE AVERAGE UMPIRE, is easier to defend to a protest committee than awarding both runners a base on a one-hopper back to the mound.

My compromise is to award R1 second and call the BR out (none of the above on Carl's list). From the description of the play, THIS is the most likely output. In FED, I would feel compelled to make this call, since to me it fits well under FED 10-2-3(l). Since there isn't a CLEAR way of handling this under OBR (Carl's play is interesting, but not entirely relevant since it was the defense who illegally interfered) I would follow the FED principle in guiding me to make this call.

While my response is different from Carl's and Warren's, is it no less thought out, I assure you.

Rich Fronheiser
co-owner, UmpiresTalk
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 31, 2000, 07:45am
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Re: Setting the record straight...


I'm using your post as the most recent example of what appear to be some slightly off-base assumptions concerning what I suggested Mark Land (the original poster) should do in this scenario. Please allow me to set the record straight on one or two points, by using your post, without any suggestion that it is you in particular that I am disagreeing with, Ok?

Warren, you can disagree all you want with me as that is part of life. Now that I have been a member of various boards I've learned not too take things seriously. The point is to disagree without "keyboard trash-talking" which is the way you respond and for that I thank you.

This is an interseting thread which brought about a variety of responses.

The way I look at it to keep it simple is this:
The umpires job is to make certain that one side does not "tilt the balance" of power.

We (as an umpire) made a mistake now what do we do.
Yes as you mentioned, search the rule-book and see if there was any kind of precedent set, but in reality when we are out there on the diamond I doubt very seriously if we would remember anyhow.

For all practical purposes - a comebacker to F1 will result in an out. Let's take a look at the merits of this play.

B1 hit the ball off the plate which went to F1's glove and the PU signalled out.

If we put B1 on 1st and r1 at second - we tip the balance of power to the offense. By leaving R1 at second and calling B1 out is the most logical (ok Mr. Spock) approach since that would have been the most likely outcome.

Hey, when we call obstruction, we have to make similiar rulings on where to place runners, to me this situation is no different.

One other avenue which I'm surprised no-one mentioned is to change the call to a Foul Ball - a do-over if you will. If we changed the call to Foul / B1 is still up r1 returns to first - NO HARM NO FOUL and again no one gained an advantage.

Also, since we are using 9.01(c), chances are there would not be any protest upheld.

Warren, thanks for your comments, keep the dialogue going throughout the offseason.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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