Wed Feb 01, 2017, 05:43pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,898
A comment at Reason's Hit & Run blog:
Sloopy's mom is an RN. Her husband is a coach for a high school basketball team. During a game, one of his players had a severe asthma attack and collapsed near the sideline. Because of her duty to act (she's considered a first responder in these situations), she rushed to the student's aid while EMS was called. The referee refused to pause the game so that the kid could be treated and EMTs could get access to him. Acting in the interest of her patient (a responder's first duty), she got in the ref's face about pausing the game. The police (who were at the game in full military gear) grabbed her, slammed her to the floor, and beat her. She was then arrested, charged with disorderly conduct, and held in jail overnight. Their public statements, run by the local paper without comment or rebuttal, were that procedures were followed, officer safety, the usual.
The high school team members sent her flowers and a really touching note. Great kids.