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Old Mon Jan 23, 2017, 12:34pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by APG View Post
Put me in the camp of:

1.) I probably wouldn't put a whistle on the play....

But if I was mandated to:

2.) Block. Blue changes her path and the defender tries to move in an effort to maintain her position but ends up not being able to...and moves fowrad into the dribbler. Honestly it's not even close with regard to block/charge IMO.
I just don't think this is at a high enough level where I'm letting this alone. I'm assuming this is varsity ball, but...

If I don't call this block, the defensive coach is going to be in my ear wondering why it wasn't a charge. The offensive get the picture. Just easier to call the block and move on. Especially out in the open where the defender is thrown back in this manner.

Would be nice to see the C hustle to the FTLE rather than walk towards it, though.
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