Originally posted by Panda Bear
Has anyone ever seen the color of a ball bag affect a play? Are runners less out if the hammer is in front of the umpire, instead of over his head?
I like to look good, and see other umpires look good too, but there has been a lot of style over substance lately.
I disagree with this sentiment, and I'll tell you why. One of the easiest rules for an umpire to apply are the ones that apply to himself / herself. If s/he can't even do that????
Taking the extra effort to
always wear the proper uniform, and to
always look sharp and to
always use proper mechanics - whether calling the plate in the 18U Gold National Championship Finals or calling a local rec league 12U game solo - shows the umpire has a pride in personal craftsmanship, in doing the job right, and will put in the effort to not just learn and apply Rule 10, but all the other rules, too.
OTOH, an umpire who won't even spend an extra $15 to replace his old vinyl gray ball bag with the prescribed navy bag indicates a sloppiness and a corner-cutting attitude that most likely shows up in the other aspects of his / her game.