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Old Mon Aug 18, 2003, 10:43pm
Panda Bear Panda Bear is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 69
This is the best blue-gray battle since 1865 - Reply

Which is why we wore black a lot locally until Fed. & LL both made a big deal about gray. Now, it even matters what manufacturer's grays you have.

I also found it interesting that the LL softball Championships had the umpires in navy, after a big push for the light blue for softball, dark blue for baseball, this year. And, someone noted the red jersey one plate umpire had. I also liked it, but I'm one that goes back far enough to still own a red shirt from before. Would personally like to see red make a comeback.

What I find odd is that after all the discussions we have had about legal pitching motions, correct calls on interference & obstruction issues, and a lot of other problem calls, etc., the main emphasis from so many sanctioning bodies & others seems to be on uniforms and what motion was used to signal an out.

Has anyone ever seen the color of a ball bag affect a play? Are runners less out if the hammer is in front of the umpire, instead of over his head?

I like to look good, and see other umpires look good too, but there has been a lot of style over substance lately. I'd rather see the attention on getting the rules differences reduced, and improving the umpires that don't work on their rules awareness as much as the professionals (paid or not) that use this board to better themselves.
Panda Bear
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