Originally posted by gura
I see.
Hi guys, its not that I just statred play.
i just have a probleme, i dont know what i need to do as SF. i think i can be a great player, i have great passing, and eve-vision, my shooting is ok, defence ok. my big probleme are with the athlets and pantrte and dribbling.
that's all,
i mean, i can work hard, but on what? how i making myself to the best SF?
can you give me an example on good SF nba players?
Pippen (Use to Be)
Grant Hill (Use to Be)
Paul Pierce
All can shoot and handle the ball. Today's NBA SF is usually able to play the 1-3 positions. As Hawks Coach stated be a "complete player". You might be behind some, but there are guys your size in the NBA that make just because they HUSSLE! For instance, Dennis Rodman and Ben Wallace. Both are around 6'7" and HUSSLE on every play.