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Old Mon Aug 18, 2003, 11:09am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Originally posted by theboys
Hey, gura.

Whatever regimen you decide to use, I suggest you start today, and work every day: rain, shine, snow, gloom of night, weekdays, weekends, holidays. At 16, if you're not already highly skilled, you're behind. And, if you're not totally committed to becoming better, you're too late.

And, a question for Hawks Coach. You used to participate in the boards of, didn't you? Any idea what happened to that site?
Dennis Rodman started playing serious ball his second or third year of college, but always lacked the ball skills as a result of not having done the work early. Forget the wierdness that manifested itself later, he was a gifted athlete that learned how to succeed in certain aspects of the game.

16 may be too late, but it is definitely something that requires a very serious commitment at this point.

As for the, I was never a regular contributor to any coach's board. I may have registered there, as I did at a couple of coach discussion boards. Never found one that I liked. I tend to read things on various coaching sites and send in drills to boards that accept them.
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