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Old Thu Jan 05, 2017, 05:22pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,927
Now that I seen the video so I can say one thing for sure, some of y'all are horrible at describing action.

Play 1: obvious pass... I would offer that information also. Weather not he takes it is up to him. But it is definitely a play I would talk about in a locker room, especially with multiple whistles on it.

Play 2: hard to say. But considering he called the first play a shot, at least he's consistent. I would offer no information on the second play because he had that play all to himself.

The second play I would have no problem if he considered it a shot. But that first play needs to be talked about by the crew.

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