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Old Thu Jan 05, 2017, 02:30am
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
Four years ago when I was a rookie I had a game where a partner called a shooting foul but I saw that the player passed the ball after the contact occurred. Here's the thread.

My initial question was when to bring such information to a partner, but this play sparked a spirited debate of whether to award a player free throws when he appears to be shooting before contact, but after contact happens he passes the ball to a teammate.

I present two of these plays for your consideration. Both happened in the same game. In Play 1 my partner said "you're killing me man" when I brought the info but changed it to OOB. In Play 2 later in the game I also brought information but he ignored it and repeated we were shooting two. What say you guys?

Play 1:

Play 2:

Wow, lots of input and debate in this thread. So much so, I feel compelled to provide feedback.

Play 1: The play came from the T so technically wouldn't it be his call? (don't answer, just a thought). I thought it was clear that the kid passed. The L and T refs thought so, as well as ALL of the players. The kid jumped and passed directly to a teammate. With 12 out of 13 people thinking it was a pass, going to the reporting official with that info seems legit to me. I would have preferred that the L, once he sees the T start to go, also take a few steps towards the reporting official.

Play 2: IMO, the player was clearly shooting when the foul both occurred and when it was whistled. Just because a player does not shoot, does not mean it is not a shooting foul. (prime example is when a foul prevents a player from actually being able to shoot).

Again, just my 2 cents, no response requested. This thread is long isn't it, lol.