Originally Posted by BigCat
The justification is that the rule says the foul may prevent shot. Play two is as clear an example as well ever see. He's grabbed, he can't complete it. All he's left with is dumping. Your answer tells me you've never really played the game at any significant level if you don't understand that. I've been mugged going to hole, going up to shoot bumped behind backboard. All I'm left with is dumping to another player.
And still a judgment call. You make the ruling you want to make. I am not against what you saw. I am telling you what I am going to do.
Actually I did play. I played a lot. I have also officiated some time and players often assume they are fouled or flailing after any contact all the time, even when they are not even fouled. So if this player passed, then that is what he is doing. It is not that hard man!!!
I think some of you want to prove you know the rule and that is the basis for many of these conversations. Because I rarely ever see someone award shots on a clear pass. Heck we have a hard time seeing officials award shots when they were shooting and love to say, "On the floor" if the players did not jump yet.