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Old Wed Jan 04, 2017, 06:16pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Then do not pass. It is very simple. You want me to know what is in your head, then do what looks obvious to everyone.

Again, if I am giving shots on plays after the gather and they might not leave the floor or even bring up their arms completely, I am going to not give shots on a clear pass.

Officiating is about survival IMO most of the time. You call what everyone can see. If a coach wants the opposite of everything you see, then I will ask him to tell their player to shoot. If I do not call the foul, then I do not think it was a foul. But a last minute pass to me tells me what you were doing outside of reading your mind, which I cannot do very well. Just ask me fiancée.

I'm with Jeff here. First one's definitely on the pass. Second one is not as clear. I'm not going to my partner on this to give additional information. He saw something that made it a shooting foul, that's good enough for me.

Just not that big a deal to me. Line em up, shoot the throws.