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Old Wed Jan 04, 2017, 03:26am
justacoach justacoach is offline
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Cam, my swiss cheese memory pushes me to doubt your assertion. Maybe revelation lies in the casebook, which I am too lazy to peruse. Chapter 7 or thereabouts.

Got motivated and searched. In CB from 2010-2011 in 7.6.4 sit D. 2016-2017 ymmv.

Kudos to Bigcat for earlier post re 7.6.4C

7.6.4 SITUATION D: The sideline is very near the spectators leaving little space
out of bounds for A1 to make a throw-in. As a result, the administering official
has directed B1 to move back a step to give the thrower some room: (a) as soon
as the ball is handed or bounced to A1, B1 moves right back to the boundary line
in front of A1; or (b) A1 attempts to complete the throw-in just inside the bound-
ary line and B1 moves to his/her original position in order to defend. RULING: In
(a), it is a violation by B1 and will also result in a warning for Team B which is
reported to the scorer and to the head coach. Any subsequent delay-of-game sit-
uation or noncompliance with the verbal order will result in a technical foul
charged to Team B. In (b), B1 is expected to stay back one step unless the throw-
in is attempted between this area and the boundary line. No violation in this case
as B1 is allowed to defend the area if the throw-in is attempted there. (10-1-5c)
Prettys Womans in your city

Last edited by justacoach; Wed Jan 04, 2017 at 03:38am.
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