Sun Aug 17, 2003, 05:42pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
I was hoping to attract some women to this thread, not that there's anything wrong with you guys, but it just gets a little too blue for me sometimes. Here are some more hints in the form of more quotes from the same movies:
Originally posted by rainmaker
"What? You want me to disclose my most personal feelings to the most indiscreet man in England?" "Big feet, large................. shoes."
"That was only when I first knew her. For it wasn't many weeks before I considered her one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance." "Do not dwell on such gloomy thoughts; let us flatter ourselves that I might outlive you!"
"Ah, nuts, I broke my nail." "That was the single biggest crock I've heard in 20 years on this job. That deserves something -- who are you looking for?"
"Here's one I've been pondering: How do I talk to Isabelle?" "Ripe plums are falling, now there are two."
"Wait a minute, nice guys don't talk like that."
"Oh, yes, they f***ing do!" (followed by passionate kiss.)
"Where was the skirt yesterday?"
"Go down to the gallery and lock up and then take out the checkbook, and write yourself a check for $5000. I feel you've earned it. Then I want you to take that check, and your coat, and that horrible blinking thing and get out of my sight forever... no, no, just go." they are acting like old men. They don't remember the sexual things and how important they were." (this is one of the all time greatest movies)