As long as each official is taking care of their primary, then I have no problem with double whistles.
I'll give you an example of a double whistle that irked me a bit...
During a free throw, I was the center, and therefore responsible for watching the free throw shooter and the top two marked lane spaces on the opposite side. A teammate of the FT shooter I was responsible for violated, and right before I blew my whistle my partner... who was the trail... blew his for it. At halftime I asked him what the trail official during a FT is responsible for. He knew the answer, but said he was looking there because nothing else was going on.
I don't buy that answer, because we all know that while things are good now, that doesn't mean they can't change for the worse at the drop of a hat. He should have been watching his area, and trust his partner (me) to watch mine.
That is an example of a "bad" double whistle.