I realize this is an older post, and my two cents worth is probably not necessary, but I think that it is worth mentioning that Baseball Ontario has changed their rules to make all age groups use wood bats as soon as they are old enough to make the jump to a regulation sized diamond (60'6" / 90'). While Baseball Canada still allows the Junior division to use aluminum only in the National Tournament. Since this ruling has come into affect, I have noticed several changes in the way baseball is played up here. Weaker teams are no longer getting blown away by stronger teams (what would once be a 15-2 game is now 5-0), far fewer injuries, games are MUCH quicker (I've had only 3 games over 2 hours this past season out of 75). Plus, it just sounds right...I hate the sound of an aluminum bat 'DING' ... it's just not baseball without the crack of the bat!
Take care
"We aren't the main act. We are the judges and cops of baseball. We're bonded together because we wear the same uniform. And because we get yelled at, screamed at, and called everything from gutter rot to horse manure, we stick together."
- Durwood Merrill, 1998