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Old Wed Dec 14, 2016, 12:33pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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[QUOTE=BigT;994853]Last night V4 is shooting 2nd FT at the end of a game.

Entire home team stands and shouts just before she goes into her shooting motion and as she shoots.

If its a sudden shout by all of them in a critical moment of the FT and little other noise etc in gym (i.e. shooter can easily hear it as opposed to a lot of other noise in general) that …disconcerts her and the FT misses giver her another FT. If the coach whines about the extra FT tell him the other option is a T for your bench standing etc. And tell him if it happens again, the optional tech won't be optional. say it in a nice way:roll eyes: This is BS basketball that i don't have much patience for...

If she makes the FT anyway, just tell them to knock it off or else. If it happens on the first FT and it was clearly a BS move designed to startle her…and it does, FT misses don't worry about being the first to give another FT.

If they start yelling and cheering as she gets the ball, just making noise through it all I'm not going to do anything about that. (if they are standing i will sit them down. ) Startling…actual disconcertion has to be there.
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