Thread: Arbiter
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Old Sun Dec 11, 2016, 02:02pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by loners4me View Post
Anybody run multiple Arbiter accounts? I am trying to this year for a few reasons which I feel are sgortcomings of the site.

1. I have one assignor who doesnt listen and assigns at will. He assigned me a middle school game on a Friday night after telling him my Fridays are for HS. If you decline, Arbiter blocks the date automatically and other assignors cannot book you. You lose all control over your account.

2. I work for two assignors who do not get along. They dont like it when I work for the other guy. Arbiter shows them who Im working for and they get upset.

Solution....multiple accounts. Anybody else deal with this or have an easier workaround?
I have separate accounts for high school and college.

If you decline an assignment it should only block you for that one assignor, not all of your assignors. You need to contact Arbiter tech support if it is actually blocking you from all your assignors.

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