Originally posted by Bob M.
To the original question about NFHS Interpretation #13: I've spoken with the interpreter from NH who attended the NFHS Interpreters' meeting last month. This play is no longer in question. The Rules Committe in Indianapolis made it very clear at the meeting that their intention was to leave NF 10-2-1 as it was. This is a double foul since R fouled prior to gaining possession.
This is a known and conscious difference between Federation rules and NCAA rules. In NCAA, R could decline the penalty for K's foul and keep the ball with PSK enforcement against them--but not in Federation.
Lets hope they change it next year. Did you know that during the experimentation phase in KY, the written rule they had did allow for the penalty to be declined. What in the world did the NF feel was wrong with that. I don't want to hear they didn't want exceptions.
And by the way, we all need to remove one misconception from our minds: Team possession does not change when the kick crosses the ENZ. Until R catches or recovers the kick, Team K is still in team possession of the ball.
AMEN to that...