Tue Jan 02, 2001, 07:26pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Re: Age?
Originally posted by Richard Ogg
You didn't indicate the age of the players. If this is HS, then I do the same as you. If this is the 8-10 year olds in our church-run league, then I might stop the game immediately. (We advertise our league as non-competitive. Parents will always appreciate concern for their child.) If a parent complains about stopping the lay-up, I tell them a child is far more important that the score of a game. It is unlikely it would go any farther, but if they persisted I just tell them that is not how we run our league. (I have no problem appearing as an authority, and in this league I have that authority. I make the league rules. Shucks, I could even let the coach come out to help the child while letting the play run.)
The point is to use common sense with young children.
yer right, Richard.
Level of play will always make a difference.