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Old Fri Aug 15, 2003, 01:19pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Few tips since you asked, even though this is a ref's board.

You should always work to develop to be as complete a player as you can be. Kevin Garnett is 6'11" or so. Players of that height used to be positioned within 10 feet of the basket at all times. They never dribble penetrated, they never shot outside. KG takes 3 pointers, drives, has a lot of different abilities that he developed. And he is a top level professional as a result of his work.

There are players your size who can play the point or the 2 guard. It is up to you to decide what your potential is and what type of player you want to be. I make all my players work on their complete game, because you never know what they will be doing if they make a college, or, God willing, a pro team. They have much greater chance of succeeding if they are complete players.

So all of my players learn to triple threat, dribble, pass (and see the court), screen, cut off screens, block out for rebounds, and shoot -from lay-ups all the way to the three point line. I recommend you do the same if you want to increase your odds of a long career in basketball. And there are many self improvement workouts available that you can use to work on aspects of your game. Put in the time and improvement will come.
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